Multi-component Gaussian beam prestack depth migration
Jianguang Han Yun Wang Jun Lu
【摘要】:正As the depth migration of multi-component seismic data can obtain better images of the subsurface structures with multi-wave information in seismic records,an effective multi-component Gaussian beam migration method is presented in this paper.Firstly,a detailed numerical analysis on the local slant stack is carried out,which demonstrates that the Gaussian beam migration method has good directionality and computational efficiency through decomposing seismic records into different outgoing directional local plane waves Then two different Gaussian beam prestack depth migration algorithms are presented, corresponding to the PP-and PS-waves,after a waveficld separation is effected with an affinc coordinate system transform.Finally,tests of synthetic and field seismic data show that the method introduced above would be an accurate and efficient prestack depth migration alternative for multi-component seismic data
【基金】:supported by the National Special Fund of China(nos 2011ZX05035-001-006HZ,2011ZX05008- 006-22,2011ZX05049-01-02 and 2011ZX05019-003)
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(no.41104084)
the PetroChina Innovation Foundation(no.201113-5006- 0303)
1。IlltfoduCtionFor multi一eomPonent seismie exPloration both PP一and PS-wave data ean be obtained.Beeause these waves earry difl亡rentinformation about target regions(Xie and Wu 2005),,theymay Provide more PetroPhysieal Parameters and effCetivelyiml〕ro
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