1000-9825/2003/14 09 1635 ?2003 Journal of Software 软 件 学 报 Vol.14, No.9 ?
计算机取证技术及其发展趋势 1,2,3+ 1
王 玲 , 钱华林
1 中国科学院 计算机网络信息中心,北京 100080 2 中国科学院 计算技术研究所,北京 100080 3 中国科学院 研究生院,北京 100039 Computer Forensics and Its Future Trend
WANG Ling1,2,3+, QIAN Hua-Lin1
1 Computer Network Information Center, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China 2 Institute of Computing Technology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China 3 Graduate School, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China + Corresponding author: Phn: 86-10-座机电话号码, E-mail: [email protected]
Received 2003-03-07; Accepted 2003-04-30
Wang L, Qian HL. Computer forensics and its future trend. Journal of Software, 2003,14 9 :1635~1644.
Abstract : Computer forensics is the technology field that attempts to prove thorough, efficient, and secure means
to investigate computer crime. Computer evidence must be authentic, accurate, complete and convincing to juries.
In this paper, the stages of computer forensics are presented, and the theories and the realization of the forensics
software are described. An example about forensic practice is also given. The deficiency of computer forensics
technique and anti-forensics are also discussed. The result comes out that it is as the improvement of computer
science technology, the forensics technique will become more integrated and thorough.
Key words: computer crime; computer security; computer forensic; anti-forensics
摘 要: 计算机取证研究的是如何为调查计算机犯罪提供彻底、有效和安全的技术.其关键是确保证据的真实