本文关键词:高职院校对江西省机械制造业多层次人才的培养模式研究 出处:《南昌大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 江西省制造业 机械工程专业 高技能人才 高职院校 培养模式 一体化教学 综合职业能力
【摘要】:进入21世纪以来,制造业被江西省列入重点发展的核心产业。但是,我省制造业的发展现状并不是很乐观,其中人才问题特别是高技能人才的缺失成为制约我省制造业发展的核心矛盾。因此,追踪江西省制造业的发展现状和发展趋势,分析江西省制造企业对机械工程类专业各层次人才的需求特点,立足江西省省情,研究我省高职院校机械工程类专业各层次人才的培养模式,对推动我省制造业的快速发展具有重大的指导意义和参考价值。本课题主要从以下几个方面展开研究: 1)对江西省制造业的发展以及对各层次人才的需求进行分析。首先,研究制造业的发展现状,通过数据统计以及实例分析,总结出制造业的发展优势与不足之处,积极寻找制造业的发展思路;其次,分析目前机械工程类各专业的特点以及人才特点;最后对江西省机械工程类各专业、各层次人才培养情况进行数据统计,进而展开剖析江西省制造业的发展对机械工程类各层次人才的需求。 2)研究目前机械工程类专业人才的培养模式特点,提出以一体化教学模式培养高职院校机械工程类专业人才。首先,概述国内外有成功办学经验和办学成果的高职院校的发展动态,为提出以一体化教学模式培养高职院校机械工程类专业人才埋下伏笔;其次,概述江西省高职院校的发展现状,剖析高职院校所存在的问题,证实改革高职院校机械工程类专业人才培养模式的必要性,并提出一体化教学培养模式。 3)采用一体化教学模式发展高职院校,对学生的专业能力、方法能力和社会能力等综合职业能力的培养能达到比较好的效果。本章是对课题的研究总结环节,以研究构建一体化教学模式的具体措施及实施条件进行开展。首先从专业设置、课程体系、教学方法以及教学评价等方面初步探索实施策略;然后再提出构建一体化教学模式所必须具备的政府政策和资金支持、教学环境和硬件设施设备要求以及教师综合职业能力要求等方面的条件;最后以教学实践证实高职院校采用一体化教学模式对学生的综合职业能力能取得较好的效果。
[Abstract]:Since 21th century, the manufacturing industry has been listed as the key core industry in Jiangxi Province. However, the status quo of the manufacturing industry in Jiangxi Province is not very optimistic. Among them, the problem of talents, especially the lack of high-skilled talents, has become the core contradiction that restricts the development of manufacturing industry in Jiangxi Province. Therefore, tracking the current situation and development trend of manufacturing industry in Jiangxi Province. This paper analyzes the demand of manufacturing enterprises in Jiangxi Province for talents of mechanical engineering majors at all levels, and studies the training mode of talents of mechanical engineering majors in higher vocational colleges of Jiangxi Province based on the situation of Jiangxi Province. It is of great guiding significance and reference value to promote the rapid development of manufacturing industry in our province. 1) analyze the development of manufacturing industry in Jiangxi Province and the demand of talents at all levels. First, study the current situation of manufacturing industry, through data statistics and case analysis. Summing up the advantages and disadvantages of the development of manufacturing industry, actively looking for the development of manufacturing ideas; Secondly, it analyzes the characteristics of various specialties of mechanical engineering and the characteristics of talents. Finally, the author carries on the data statistics to the Jiangxi Province machinery engineering each profession, each level talented person training situation, then starts to analyze the Jiangxi Province manufacturing industry development to the mechanical engineering each level talented person's demand. 2) to study the characteristics of the current training mode of mechanical engineering professionals, and put forward an integrated teaching mode to train mechanical engineering professionals in higher vocational colleges. First of all. This paper summarizes the development trends of higher vocational colleges which have successful experience and achievements in running schools at home and abroad, and lays the groundwork for the training of mechanical engineering professionals in higher vocational colleges by integrated teaching mode. Secondly, it summarizes the development of Jiangxi higher vocational colleges, analyzes the problems existing in higher vocational colleges, and confirms the necessity of reforming the training mode of mechanical engineering professionals in higher vocational colleges. And put forward the integrated teaching and training model. 3) adopting the integrated teaching mode to develop the professional ability of the students in higher vocational colleges. Methods the cultivation of comprehensive vocational ability, such as ability and social ability, can achieve better results. This chapter is a summary of the research on the subject. Firstly, it explores the implementation strategies from the aspects of specialty setup, curriculum system, teaching methods and teaching evaluation. Then put forward the necessary government policy and financial support, teaching environment and hardware equipment requirements and teachers' comprehensive professional ability requirements in order to build an integrated teaching model. Finally, it is proved by teaching practice that the integrated teaching mode can achieve better effect on students' comprehensive vocational ability in higher vocational colleges.
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