本文关键词:湖南机械制造业顾客满意度指数模型研究 出处:《广东工业大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在竞争日益激烈的当今社会,市场的购买行为已经由卖方市场渐渐转化为买方市场。企业也从早期以产品为导向发展到以顾客为导向,即从仅仅注重产品质量到更加注重顾客的需求。如何更好的满足顾客的需求、提升顾客的满意度与忠诚度,已成为大型企业重点关注的问题。湖南省机械制造业集群化优势明显、发展迅速,已在国内外具有较强的影响力,但鉴于目前机械制造业市场竞争越来越激烈,客户日渐成为稀缺资源,在客户关系的维护、满意度的提升方面,湖南的机械制造企业还未能很好的重视,更没有建立一个统一的、有效的满意度指数分析模型,以了解顾客满意度的相关影响因素以及影响强度。 本文以湖南机械制造业顾客满意度指数模型的构建及影响因素的分析为主要的研究对象。在对比分析了目前国内外的几种常用顾客满意度指数模型后,选取了美国顾客满意度指数模型作为参考模型,运用因子分析法对所搜集数据进行分析,构建出初步的湖南机械制造业顾客满意度指数模型,并对模型中各因子间的影响路径进行假设。在此基础上,本文运用结构方程模型方法对以上假设进行了实证研究:对所构建模型进行验证、拟合及修正,确定了湖南机械制造业顾客满意度指数模型各因子间的影响关系及影响路径。最后,本文根据实证研究的分析结果对湖南机械制造业顾客满意现状进行了分析,提出了改进建议。 本研究构建了湖南机械制造业顾客满意度指数模型,明确了模型中各因子间的影响路径及影响强度,找出了模型中与“顾客满意”因子相关的原因变量及结果变量;本研究根据实证分析结果对湖南机械制造业顾客满意度提出了改善建议,对企业客户关系的维护起到了一定的指导作用,并且为其他领域的顾客满意度问题的研究提供了一定的参考。
[Abstract]:In the increasingly fierce competition in today's society, the market purchase behavior from a seller's market has been gradually transformed into a buyer's market. Enterprises from early product oriented to customer-oriented, from only pays attention to the quality of products to pay more attention to the customer's needs. How to better meet customer needs, enhance customer satisfaction and customer loyalty the large enterprises have become the focus of attention. Hunan province machinery manufacturing industry cluster advantages, rapid development, has a strong influence at home and abroad, but in view of the current machinery manufacturing industry increasingly fierce market competition, the customer is becoming a scarce resource, in the maintenance of customer relationships, in terms of satisfaction, mechanical manufacturing enterprises in Hunan is also not very good attention, but did not establish a unified and effective satisfaction index analysis model, in order to understand the relative factors of customer satisfaction Element and influence strength.
In this paper, and the effect of the construction of Hunan machinery manufacturing industry customer satisfaction index model of factor analysis as the main research object. After comparing several commonly used customer satisfaction index model at home and abroad, the American customer satisfaction index model as the reference model, using the factor analysis method to analyze the collected data, construct Hunan machinery manufacturing industry customer satisfaction index model preliminary, and assumptions of the influence among the factors in the model path. On this basis, this paper uses the method of structural equation model for the empirical research on the above hypothesis: to validate the model, fitting and revising, the Hunan machinery manufacturing industry customer satisfaction index influence the relationship between the impact factor model and path. Finally, based on the analysis of the results of empirical research on Hunan machinery manufacturing industry customer satisfaction The present situation is analyzed and suggestions for improvement are put forward.
The establishment of Hunan machinery manufacturing industry customer satisfaction index model, the model of the factors that affect the path and impact strength, and find out the model of "customer satisfaction" factor related reasons and results of the study variables variables; according to the empirical analysis results of Hunan machinery manufacturing industry customer satisfaction improvement suggestions were put forward, maintenance customer relationship has played a guiding role, and provide a reference for the research of customer satisfaction in other areas.
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