发布时间:2018-01-14 16:20
本文关键词:滑石粉为铝合金热挤压用润滑剂的实验研究 出处:《中北大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:目前,在热挤压生产加工成形过程中使用的润滑剂主要是石墨水剂或油剂,它的润滑效果非常明显,但是在使用过程中,空气和设备中残留着大量的石墨粉尘,污染环境,严重影响到了操作人员的健康和工作环境质量。因而,希望能够制备其它的润滑剂来代替石墨,以改善现在的工作环境。 本文针对铝合金热挤压对润滑提出的环保要求,以滑石粉为主要基体,通过添加氧化铜抗磨剂、三氧化二铝脱模剂和聚丙烯酰胺粘结剂等添加剂,获得了一种新型润滑剂。在圆环镦粗实验的基础上确定了各组分件的最佳配比,同时还研究了最佳配比润滑剂的润滑性能并对其进行实体零件热挤压模拟实验。 实验结果表明: 1.通过圆环镦粗法对不同配比润滑剂摩擦系数的测定,最终确定润滑剂中滑石粉、Al_2O_3、CuO和聚丙烯酰胺的最佳质量配比为7:1:1:1。 2.最佳配比滑石粉新型润滑剂摩擦系数随着温度的升高而增大,温度至440℃出现最小值,μ=0.185。 3.此润滑剂可以有效的促进铝合金均匀变形,反映变形均匀性指标的腰鼓百分比变化曲线与其摩擦系数变化曲线的变化趋势一致,均随温度的升高而增大,至440℃出现最小值,这也说明了本文实验的可靠性。 4.在摩擦系数对比图中,在440℃前该润滑剂摩擦系数平均比石墨的大0.03,在440℃时,两者相差0.005;从金相图可知该润滑剂同石墨润滑剂相似对铝合金微观组织没有影响。因此,配比为7:1:1:1的滑石粉新型润滑剂作为一种环保润滑剂取代石墨具有一定的可行性。 5.通过模拟实验的验证,该滑石粉润滑剂能有效的减少金属动态损伤的分布、增加动态损伤的均匀性,具有较好的润滑作用。
[Abstract]:At present, the lubricant used in hot extrusion process is mainly graphite water agent or oil agent, its lubricating effect is very obvious, but in the process of use, a large amount of graphite dust remains in the air and equipment. Pollution of the environment has seriously affected the health of the operators and the quality of the working environment. Therefore, it is hoped that other lubricants can be prepared to replace graphite in order to improve the present working environment. In this paper, aiming at the environmental protection requirement of aluminum alloy hot extrusion for lubrication, with talc powder as the main matrix, the additives such as copper oxide antiwear agent, aluminum trioxide release agent and polyacrylamide binder were added. A new lubricant was obtained and the optimum proportion of each component was determined on the basis of ring upsetting experiment. At the same time, the lubricating performance of the best proportion lubricant was studied and the hot extrusion simulation experiment of solid parts was carried out. The experimental results show that: 1. The friction coefficient of lubricant with different ratio was determined by ring upsetting method. Finally, the talc powder and AlSZ _ 2O _ 3 in lubricant were determined. The best mass ratio of CuO and polyacrylamide is 7: 1: 1: 1. 2. The friction coefficient of the new type lubricant increases with the increase of temperature, and the minimum temperature is 440 鈩,