本文关键词: 三维打印 改性硫酸钙 水基粘结剂 粉末成型材料 出处:《华南理工大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:快速成型(Rapid Prototyping,简称RP)技术是20世纪80年代末产生和发展起来的一种新型制造技术,是利用三维CAD数据,通过快速成型机,将材料一层层地堆积成实体原型的技术,可以自动、快速、直接、精确地将设计思想物化为具有一定功能的原型或制造零件。 三维快速成型打印(Three Dimensional Printing,简称3DP)技术作为其中的一种快速成型技术,属于绿色的桌面快速成型设备,具有成本低、体积小、无污染等优点,而其中的粘接材料三维打印成型技术的原理和工作过程是使用喷头喷出粘结剂,选择性地将粉末材料粘结起来。由于设备原料采用粉末材料,不需要制作支承,成本远远低于其它的快速成型技术,是其它快速成型技术的一半以上;它可以制作出具有石膏、塑料、橡胶、陶瓷等原料属性的产品模型。不仅可以制作概念模型,而且可以制作产品模型,广泛应用于成型工业、建筑设计、医用器械制备、汽车等方面。该技术所用原料国内尚无产品,因而开发研究该类原料具有较好的经济和社会效益。 本文对快速成型技术及三维快速成型打印技术的原理等进行了描述,并根据成型原理,主要通过对二水硫酸钙进行改性,通过正交试验确定了硫酸钙粉末硬化时间及分散性改善的最优条件,并对改性剂改性的原理进行了探索,并将改性所得的关键组分改性硫酸钙与改性二氧化硅、聚乙烯醇、氧化铝等粉末进行混合,,通过大量实验并结合数学模拟软件对粉末成型材料的最佳配方及混合工艺等进行了研究,并对成型材料的密度、抗压强度、硬化时间、滚动性等进行比较测试。并以进口水基粘结剂作为参考,以蒸馏水为主要成分,通过添加丙三醇、无水乙醇、特殊表面活性剂等对水基粘结剂的表面张力、粘度、挥发速度、促凝性、电导率等性能进行了调节,制得符合打印头需求的水基粘结剂。将粉末成型材料与水基粘结剂上机打印,结合性能较好,打印结果比较满意。
[Abstract]:Rapid Prototyping (RP) technology is a new manufacturing technology which was produced and developed at the end of 1980s. It is based on 3D CAD data. By means of a rapid prototyping machine, the technology of stacking the material layer by layer into a solid prototype can automatically, quickly, directly and accurately materialize the design idea into a prototype or manufacturing part with certain functions. Three Dimensional printing (3DP) technology is one of the rapid prototyping technologies. Green desktop rapid prototyping equipment has the advantages of low cost, small volume, no pollution, etc. The principle and working process of 3D printing technology of adhesive material is to use spray head to spray out binder. Selective bonding of powder materials. Because the equipment raw materials used powder materials, do not need to make support, the cost is far lower than other rapid prototyping technology, is more than half of other rapid prototyping technology; It can make a product model with gypsum, plastic, rubber, ceramic and other raw material properties, not only can make conceptual model, but also can make product model, widely used in molding industry, architectural design. There are no domestic products for the raw materials used in this technology, so it has good economic and social benefits to develop and study this kind of raw materials. In this paper, the principles of rapid prototyping and 3D rapid prototyping are described. According to the forming principle, calcium sulfate dihydrate is mainly modified. The optimum conditions for improving the hardening time and dispersity of calcium sulfate powder were determined by orthogonal test, and the principle of modification of the modifier was explored. The key components of the modification were modified calcium sulfate and modified silica. Through a large number of experiments and mathematical simulation software, the optimum formula and mixing process of powder forming materials were studied, and the density and compressive strength of the molding materials were also studied. The hardening time and rolling property were compared and tested. The imported water-based binder was used as reference and distilled water as the main component by adding glycerol and anhydrous ethanol. The surface tension, viscosity, volatilization speed, coagulability and conductivity of water-based binder were adjusted by special surfactants. The water-based binder which meets the printing head requirement is prepared. The powder forming material and the water-based binder are printed on the machine. The binding property is better and the printing result is satisfactory.
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