本文关键词: 装备制造业 产业链 机理 瓶颈 升级路径 出处:《沈阳工业大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:甄别装备制造业产业链的瓶颈有利于从根本上找出制约装备制造业产业链升级的症结及其影响因素,有利于装备制造业企业分析自身发展不足及其原因,分析装备制造业产业链升级路径也有利于装备制造业企业明确自己的发展方向。辽宁装备制造业需要快速升级以跟上装备制造业新的发展趋势,所以甄别制约装备制造业产业链升级的瓶颈、分析其升级路径显得尤为必要,以实现整个装备制造业产业链的升级。 本文根据约束理论提出了生产能力均衡和物流均衡的理论,,在此基础上首先分析了国内外发达地区装备制造业发展的经验以及对辽宁装备制造业的启示,同时分析了辽宁装备制造业产业链的现状(“半微笑”曲线和“哭”型曲线)及其存在问题;并根据生产能力均衡和物流的理论分析了装备制造业产业链升级的机理(产业链内部实现结构的升级,外部实现价值的增值),并指出甄别制约装备制造业产业链升级的瓶颈才是升级产业链的关键;所以本文利用价值贡献率和因子分析法对辽宁装备制造业产业链进行了甄别,甄别出产业链升级的瓶颈(技术研发环节和产业配套环节),从而从根本上找出辽宁装备制造业产业链的症结和原因;在机理和瓶颈的基础上分析了 不同类型的装备制造业产业链升级的路径。本文首次对装备制造业产业链进行了瓶颈甄别,得出研发环节和产业配套环节是辽宁装备制造业产业链的瓶颈;针对不同类型的装备制造业企业给出了相应的产业链升级路径。本论文的研究在学术理论上的价值主要体现在完善装备制造业产业链的相关理论体系。实际应用方面主要体现在以辽宁装备制造业实际数据为基础,结合因子分析法甄别出了产业链升级的瓶颈,另一方面,针对不同类型的装备制造业企业给出了升级路径,为政府和企业提出有益的政策和决策提供了一定的理论和实践依据。
[Abstract]:The bottleneck of screening equipment manufacturing industry chain is conducive to fundamentally find out the restricting factors and the influence of the crux of the equipment manufacturing industry chain upgrade, is conducive to the development of equipment manufacturing enterprises to analyze their own shortcomings and reasons, analysis of the equipment manufacturing industry chain upgrading equipment manufacturing enterprises is also conducive to clear their own direction of development of equipment manufacturing in Liaoning. Industry needs to keep pace with the rapid escalation of the new development trend of the equipment manufacturing industry, so the screening bottleneck of equipment manufacturing industry chain upgrade, the upgrade path analysis is necessary, in order to realize the whole equipment manufacturing industry chain upgrade.
In this paper the production capacity and logistics equilibrium equilibrium theory according to the theory of constraints, based on the developed areas of the domestic and foreign equipment manufacturing industry development experience and Enlightenment to Liaoning equipment manufacturing industry, and analyzes the present situation of Liaoning equipment manufacturing industry chain ("half smile" curve and "cry" curve) and the existing problems; and analyzes the mechanism of equipment manufacturing industry chain upgrading according to production capacity and equilibrium theory (logistics industry chain internal structure upgrading, the external value increment), and points out that the screening system about equipment manufacturing industry chain upgrade bottleneck is the key to the upgrading of the industrial chain; so this paper use value the contribution rate and factor analysis method for the screening of Liaoning equipment manufacturing industry chain, to identify bottlenecks in the industry chain upgrading (technology and supporting industries, from the link) And find out the crux of the problem and the cause of Liaoning equipment manufacturing industry chain fundamentally; based on analysis of the mechanism and the bottleneck
The path chain of equipment manufacturing industry of different types of upgrade. This paper for the first time to identify the bottleneck equipment manufacturing industry chain, the R & D and industrial supporting link is the bottleneck of Liaoning equipment manufacturing industry chain; according to different types of equipment manufacturing enterprises in the corresponding industry chain upgrade path. The value of this research in the academic theory is mainly reflected in the perfect theoretical system of equipment manufacturing industry chain. The practical application is mainly reflected in the equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning based on actual data, combined with the method of factor analysis to identify the bottlenecks in the upgrading of the industrial chain, on the other hand, according to the different types of equipment manufacturing enterprises are upgrading path that provides a theoretical and practical basis for the government and enterprises put forward the beneficial policy and decision-making.
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