发布时间:2018-02-14 17:47
本文关键词: 轴向力 离心泵 轴向间隙 水力性能 数值模拟 出处:《排灌机械工程学报》2016年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:为了研究一种新型结构的离心泵叶轮前盖板与泵体轴向间隙对轴向力的影响,首先采用传统理论计算方法得到泵的轴向力,然后基于CFX软件,采用RNG k-ε湍流模型和高阶算法,对离心泵进行全流场数值模拟.通过改变叶轮前盖板与泵体轴向间隙方法,获得泵设计工况下的外特性、轴向间隙之间静压变化及转子部件轴向力,研究泵外特性、轴向力随叶轮前盖板与泵体轴向间隙的变化情况和变化规律.通过数值模拟计算研究表明:在设计工况下,随着离心泵叶轮前盖板与泵体间隙的增加,泵的扬程和效率逐渐减小;叶轮、背叶轮和副叶轮内的静压变化很小,叶轮前盖板与泵体轴向间隙内的静压变化明显;泵的轴向力先增大后减小.扬程数值模拟和试验结果误差为0.84%,轴向力理论计算和数值模拟的最大误差不超过5.75%,说明数值模拟的方法验证了用经验公式计算新型泵所受轴向力的准确性.
[Abstract]:In order to study the influence of axial clearance between the front cover plate and pump body of a new type of centrifugal pump impeller on axial force, the axial force of the pump is obtained by traditional theoretical calculation method, and then based on CFX software, RNG k- 蔚 turbulence model and high order algorithm are used. By changing the axial clearance between the front cover of the impeller and the pump body, the external characteristics of the pump under the design condition, the static pressure between the axial clearance and the axial force of the rotor parts are obtained, and the external characteristics of the pump are studied. The axial force varies with the axial clearance between the impeller front cover plate and pump body. The numerical simulation results show that: under the design condition, with the increase of the clearance between the impeller front cover plate and pump body, The static pressure in impeller, back impeller and auxiliary impeller is very small, and the static pressure in the axial clearance between the front cover plate of impeller and pump body is obvious. The axial force of the pump first increases and then decreases. The error between the head numerical simulation and the test results is 0.84.The maximum error of the axial force theory calculation and numerical simulation is not more than 5.75. It is shown that the numerical simulation method verifies the calculation of the new type pump by empirical formula. Accuracy of the axial force to which it is subjected.
【作者单位】: 西安泵阀总厂有限公司;江苏大学国家水泵及系统工程技术研究中心;