本文关键词: 滚动轴承 力学分析 润滑 密封 摩擦力矩 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在航空航天领域,轴承工作在工况复杂的空间环境中,正确的分析轴承在苛刻工况环境的工作特性,是保证整个系统正常工作前提。分析影响轴承的多方面因素,进而选择合适的轴承型号、确定滚动轴承的合理润滑和密封形式等显得尤为重要。本课题研究了高低温工况下轴承的接触力学分析,设计了轴承的润滑和密封形式,实验测试了工况下轴承的摩擦力矩大小,并对轴承性能做出了评价。 首先在给定电机结构尺寸下,确定了轴承的基本结构,,综合考虑轴承过盈量、温度、所受载荷工况参数,结合有限元软件建立模型,确定了过盈量、温度对滚动轴承游隙影响的关系,分析计算了滚动轴承的接触角变化、内部载荷分布、应力大小,并验算了轴承的寿命。 针对具体工况,设计了滚动轴承的润滑和密封形式。针对轴承选用的润滑脂,实验测试并评价了润滑脂在高低温环境下的性能;确定了工况下轴承本身密封和轴承外围的密封结构,并结合轴承润滑形式估算了轴承摩擦力矩的大小。 为了实现工况下轴承摩擦力矩测试,研制了大量程轴承摩擦力矩测试实验台。实验装置中采用气浮轴承承载,避免了轴承摩擦力矩的测试误差,采用力传感器监测方式,实现了大载荷下轴承摩擦力矩的测量,并掌握了轴承摩擦力矩准确测试的技术。 利用研制的轴承摩擦力矩测试平台,测试了轴承在不同转速、加载力、温度、润滑脂工况下的摩擦力矩,并对采集信号进行数字信号处理,通过多组实验测试,找到了轴承摩擦力矩随各因素的变化趋势,确定了轴承摩擦力矩的主要影响因素,为轴承在实用中提供可靠的实验依据。
[Abstract]:In the field of aeronautics and astronautics, the bearing works in the space environment with complex working conditions. The correct analysis of the working characteristics of the bearing in the harsh operating conditions is the premise to ensure the normal operation of the whole system. It is very important to select the appropriate bearing type and determine the reasonable lubrication and sealing form of rolling bearing. This paper studies the contact mechanics analysis of bearing under high and low temperature conditions, and designs the lubrication and sealing form of bearing. The friction torque of bearing was tested and the bearing performance was evaluated. At first, the basic structure of the bearing is determined under the given structure size of the motor. Considering the parameters of the bearing interference, temperature and load, combined with the finite element software to establish the model, the interference is determined. The influence of temperature on the clearance of rolling bearing is analyzed and calculated, including the change of contact angle, the distribution of internal load, the magnitude of stress, and the life of bearing. The lubrication and sealing forms of rolling bearings are designed according to the specific working conditions. The performance of lubricating greases under high and low temperature is tested and evaluated experimentally according to the lubricating grease selected for the bearings. The sealing structure of the bearing itself and the outer part of the bearing are determined, and the friction moment of the bearing is estimated according to the lubrication form of the bearing. In order to test the friction torque of bearing under working condition, a large number of test rig for friction torque of long range bearing is developed. The bearing bearing of air bearing is used in the experimental device, which avoids the measuring error of the friction moment of bearing, and the force sensor is used to monitor the friction moment of bearing. The measurement of bearing friction torque under large load is realized, and the accurate measuring technology of bearing friction moment is mastered. The friction torque of bearing under different rotating speed, loading force, temperature and grease working condition was tested by using the developed friction torque test platform, and the collected signals were processed by digital signal processing. The variation trend of bearing friction torque with each factor is found, and the main influencing factors of bearing friction moment are determined, which provides reliable experimental basis for bearing in practice.
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