本文选题:汽轮发电机组 切入点:动静碰摩 出处:《华北电力大学(北京)》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Dynamic and static rub-impact fault is one of the common faults in turbine-generator set. After the unit rub-impact fault occurs, the lighter will cause the unit vibration too large to start and run normally, and when serious, it will cause the permanent bending of the rotor. It even causes damage to the whole unit. Therefore, how to diagnose the rub-impact fault of the unit quickly and accurately, so as to prevent the rub-impact fault from getting worse, Eliminating faults and reducing economic losses will be the focus of the whole fault diagnosis. By analyzing a large number of cases of dynamic and static rub-impact faults of turbine-generator units in the field, the paper deeply studies the static-rub-impact faults of turbo-generators. According to the different fault location and rub-impact fault occurrence period, the dynamic and static rub-impact faults of the unit are classified, According to different classification, the causes of the fault are summarized in detail. In the aspect of the research on the mechanism of dynamic and static rub-impact fault of the unit, the mechanism of rub-impact vibration fault of the unit is analyzed by dividing the unit in different stages of operation. To find out the characteristics of rub-impact vibration fault of units in different operation stages, and to put forward detailed monitoring parameters and monitoring methods for dynamic and static rub-impact fault monitoring of generating units. The characteristics of rub-impact fault reflected in later data processing are summarized. In the aspect of rub-impact fault treatment, the rub-impact fault caused by different stages and different fault causes of unit is classified and sorted out. It has a high reference value for dealing with rub-impact faults in practical units. In the aspect of dynamic and static rub-impact fault diagnosis, By summing up the fault symptoms and the causes of the faults, the FMEA and the FTAs of the rub-impact fault of the unit are worked out, and the diagnosis flowchart of the rub-impact fault of the unit is worked out by the method of combining them. Finally, the vibration fault of the 350MW unit on the spot is analyzed. The diagnosis method and treatment measures proposed in this paper are adopted. The rubbing fault of bearing and journal of the unit is accurately diagnosed and solved, and the feasibility of the practical application of the diagnostic method proposed in this paper is verified.
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