本文选题:高处作业吊篮 切入点:悬吊平台 出处:《沈阳建筑大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着高层建筑的增多,建筑安装施工技术的飞速发展,采用传统的脚手架施工方法已不能满足现代高空作业施工条件的要求,高处作业吊篮作为建筑安装作业中的关键施工装备,其结构是否能满足复杂多变的安装施工环境就显得尤为重要。因此,本文研究其悬吊平台组合结构的强度、刚度等力学性能及其适应不同建筑尺寸的平台结构的模块组合力学分析方法是必要的,具有重要的理论及实际意义。 在查阅了国内外相关文献,了解高处作业吊篮发展现状的基础上,分析统计了不同跨度高处作业吊篮悬吊平台的模块组合形式,确定了研究悬吊平台力学性能的具体方案。在此基础上,依据力学理论构建了悬吊平台简化力学模型,对悬吊平台组合结构进行力学分析,推导出了悬吊平台挠度及挠度影响线公式并提出了利用挠度及其差的影响线解决模块组合问题的分析方法,得到了载荷位置与悬吊平台挠度的关系及两模块组合的悬吊平台模块长度的优选结果。计算对比了跨度为7.5米的两种三模块组合的悬吊平台挠度表达式,得到了模块组合形式的优选方案。利用有限元分析软件ANSYS建立了跨度为7.5米的两种组合形式悬吊平台有限元分析模型,求解四种工况下悬吊平台的最大应力值及最大变形量并分析了影响其应力及变形的因素。通过力学计算结果和ANSYS计算结果的对比以及与试验结果进行对比分析验证了该分析方法的正确性与可行性。建立了求解跨度为15米悬吊平台组合数的数学模型,经计算分析,给出了悬吊平台的最佳组合形式。本文的研究也为大跨度高处作业吊篮悬吊平台的模块组合、优化设计提供了理论依据。 本文提出的利用挠度及其差的影响线分析变刚度高处作业吊篮悬吊平台结构组合的思想和悬吊平台组合结构力学性能的分析方法不仅适用于高处作业吊篮悬吊平台组合结构的力学性能分析,同样也适用于其它类似组合结构的对比分析计算,可为其它领域的研究提供参考。
[Abstract]:With the increase of high-rise buildings and the rapid development of building installation and construction technology, the traditional scaffolding construction method can no longer meet the requirements of the construction conditions of modern aerial work. As the key construction equipment in building installation, it is very important whether the suspended basket structure can meet the complex and changeable construction environment. Therefore, this paper studies the strength of the composite structure of the suspended platform. It is necessary to analyze the mechanical properties such as stiffness and modular combination mechanics of platform structures with different building sizes, which is of great theoretical and practical significance. On the basis of consulting relevant documents at home and abroad and understanding the current situation of the development of suspended baskets in high places, this paper analyzes and statistics the modular combination forms of different span suspended platforms for high altitude operation. On the basis of this, the simplified mechanical model of suspension platform is constructed according to the theory of mechanics, and the mechanical analysis of the composite structure of suspension platform is carried out. The formulas of deflection and deflection influence line of suspension platform are derived, and the analysis method of solving module combination problem by using deflection and its difference influence line is put forward. The relationship between the load position and the deflection of the suspension platform and the optimal selection of the length of the suspension platform module with two modules are obtained. The deflection expressions of the suspension platform with two kinds of three modules with span of 7.5 meters are calculated and compared. The optimal scheme of modular combination is obtained. The finite element analysis model of two kinds of composite suspension platform with span of 7.5m is established by using finite element analysis software ANSYS. The maximum stress and deformation of suspension platform under four working conditions were solved and the factors affecting the stress and deformation were analyzed. The comparison of mechanical calculation results with ANSYS calculation results and the comparison with test results were carried out. The correctness and feasibility of the method are verified. A mathematical model for solving the combination number of 15 meters suspension platform is established. Through calculation and analysis, the optimal combination form of suspension platform is given, and the research in this paper also provides the theoretical basis for the module combination and optimization design of the suspension platform for long span high altitude operation. In this paper, the thought of using deflection and its difference to analyze the structure combination of the suspended platform with variable stiffness and the method of analyzing the mechanical properties of the composite structure of the suspended platform are not only suitable for the suspension of the suspended basket in the high altitude operation, but also for the analysis of the mechanical properties of the composite structure of the suspended platform. Analysis of mechanical properties of platform composite structure, It can also be applied to the comparative analysis and calculation of other similar composite structures, which can be used as a reference for other research fields.
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