本文选题:安全评价 切入点:回转机构 出处:《太原科技大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着我国经济建设项目的规模化,使起重机械的使用数量和应用范围不断扩大。起重机械是一种工作危险性较高的特种设备,一旦发生事故将会造成严重的财产损失和人员伤亡。起重设备的安全问题已经引起了国家和社会的高度重视,目前已有诸多学者致力于安全评价工作的研究,经过多年研究发现若能及时了解设备的运行状况,对其安全性做出评估,则可有效地减少和避免事故的发生。 安全评价方法的研究在我国起步较晚,尤其是对专业机械设备安全评价方法的研究则更少。目前起重设备安全性的评估大多是通过专家或检验人员的现场检测给出定性的评价结果,事故隐患往往很难及时发现,并且评价结果受评价者的理论知识和经验水平影响较大。 针对上述现状,,本文以起重机回转机构为评价对象,采用模糊故障树分析和模糊综合安全评价方法对该研究对象进行安全性评价。具体研究过程为:首先在充分了解回转系统的组成和工作原理,详细分析了整个系统主要零部件可能存在的故障的基础上,建立了回转系统“回转能力不足或不能回转”故障树,采用模糊故障树分析法对所建故障树进行分析。其次针对无法获得基本事件概率的情况,引入模糊理论,采用专家判断法求出基本事件的模糊概率值。再次针对故障树分析法仅从单一故障角度对系统安全性分析,很难综合考虑环境、人为等模糊因素影响的局限性,采用模糊综合评价法从系统的角度,建立了起重机回转系统安全评价指标模型,对系统整体安全性进行定量评价,然后给出回转系统的安全状况等级和安全评分,其评价结果为企业采取预防措施,防止事故的发生提供了有效的依据。最后以模糊综合评价模型为基础,以VC++为开发平台,并结合Access强大的数据库存储能力,开发出了“起重机回转机构安全评价系统”。 通过实例验证,得到评价结果与现场分析的结果基本一致结论,表明本文所建立的模糊综合评价模型的正确性,所开发软件的宜人性和可操作性,可为起重设备安全性评估提供切实可行的方法和手段。
[Abstract]:With the development of economic construction projects in our country, the number and scope of use of lifting appliances have been expanded. Lifting machinery is a kind of special equipment with high working risk. Once an accident occurs, it will cause serious property losses and casualties. The safety of lifting equipment has attracted great attention of the state and society. At present, many scholars have devoted themselves to the study of safety evaluation. After many years of research, it is found that if we can understand the operation condition of the equipment in time and evaluate its safety, it can effectively reduce and avoid the accidents. The study of safety assessment methods started relatively late in our country. Especially, there is less research on the safety evaluation methods of professional machinery and equipment. At present, most of the safety evaluation of lifting equipment is based on the qualitative evaluation results of experts or inspectors, and the hidden dangers of accidents are often difficult to find in time. And the evaluation results are greatly influenced by the theoretical knowledge and experience of the evaluators. In view of the above situation, this paper takes the crane rotary mechanism as the evaluation object, The method of fuzzy fault tree analysis and fuzzy comprehensive safety evaluation is used to evaluate the safety of the research object. The concrete research process is as follows: firstly, the composition and working principle of the rotary system are fully understood. Based on the detailed analysis of the possible faults of the main parts of the whole system, the fault tree of "insufficient or unable to turn" of the rotary system is established. Fuzzy fault tree analysis method is used to analyze the fault tree. Secondly, fuzzy theory is introduced to solve the problem that the probability of basic event can not be obtained. The fuzzy probability value of the basic event is obtained by using the expert judgment method. Thirdly, aiming at the limitation of fuzzy factors such as environment and artificial factors, it is difficult to analyze the safety of the system by fault tree analysis only from a single fault point of view. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to establish the safety evaluation index model of crane rotary system from the system point of view. The overall safety of the system is evaluated quantitatively, and then the safety status grade and safety score of the rotary system are given. The evaluation results provide an effective basis for enterprises to take preventive measures and prevent accidents. Finally, based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, VC is used as the development platform and Access has powerful database storage ability. The safety evaluation system of crane rotary mechanism is developed. Through the example verification, the evaluation results are basically consistent with the field analysis results. It shows that the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model established in this paper is correct, and the software developed is suitable for humanity and maneuverability. It can provide practical methods and means for safety evaluation of lifting equipment.
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