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发布时间:2018-04-25 06:17

  本文选题:尺寸链 + 刚性联轴器 ; 参考:《哈尔滨理工大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:联轴器是机械传动系统的重要部件,它的防护水平反映了一个国家的工业安全程度和安全科技水平。联轴器工作时转速较高,加强联轴器的安全防护可以预防并降低绞碾、飞溅等事故的发生,实现传动系统工作环境的安全。目前国内尚没有统一的、专门针对联轴器防护的标准,防护装置的设计、制造、安装等很不规范。因此,本文采用线性回归分析和尺寸链理论相结合的方法,对标准刚性联轴器防护装置进行了研究和设计。 本文在分析了联轴器危险的主要类别和安全防护存在的问题的基础上,提炼了刚性联轴器对防护装置影响的关键技术参数。通过对黑龙江省部分外企传动设备及私企进口传动设备的联轴器及其防护装置进行的实际调研,获取了106组联轴器及其防护装置的轴向和径向尺寸数据,应用线性回归分析理论对这些数据进行了分析及优化,计算出了联轴器和防护装置在外形尺寸参数上相互影响的关系方程,并利用关系方程对标准刚性联轴器防护装置的径向圆弧直径尺寸和轴向长度尺寸进行了初步设计。 以Ω型防护装置为研究对象,按照长度尺寸把标准刚性联轴器划分成10组,对每一组联轴器设计一个具有轴向长度和径向尺寸的最佳防护装置,形成具有相同结构的防护装置系列,并设计了防护装置参数表,实现了防护装置的尺寸链设计。最后,应用人机工程学理论,对防护装置的安全距离、标志、色彩及人员的行为因素等进行了统一分析。 国家出台的机械防护标准中很少有对防护装置的定量研究,本课题的研究对实现联轴器防护装置的定量研究具有重要意义。采用尺寸链设计方法,弥补了传统设计方法的繁琐和低效的缺点,为防护装置的快速设计提供了一种可行的方法。
[Abstract]:The coupling is an important part of the mechanical transmission system, its protection level reflects the level of industrial safety and safety in a country. The high speed of the couplings, the safety protection of the coupling can prevent and reduce the occurrence of the accidents such as the rolling and splashing, and the safety of the working environment of the transmission system. There is no unified, specially aimed at the standard of the coupling protection, and the design, manufacture and installation of the protective device are very irregular. Therefore, this paper uses the method of linear regression analysis and dimension chain theory to study and design the protective device of the standard rigid coupler.
On the basis of the analysis of the main types of coupling danger and the existing problems of safety protection, this paper refines the key technical parameters of the influence of rigid coupling on the protective device. Through the actual investigation of the coupling and protection device of the transmission equipment of some foreign enterprises in Heilongjiang and the imported transmission equipment of private enterprises, 106 groups have been obtained. The axial and radial size data of the coupling and its protective device are analyzed and optimized by using the linear regression analysis theory. The relation equation of the interaction between the coupling and the protective device on the shape and size parameters is calculated, and the radial arc diameter ruler of the standard rigid coupling protection device is used by the relation equation. The size of the inch and the axial length is preliminarily designed.
Taking the Omega protection device as the research object, the standard rigid coupling is divided into 10 groups according to the length size. The optimum protective device with axial length and radial size is designed for each group of coupling. The protection device series with the same structure are formed, and the protective device parameter table is designed to realize the dimension chain of the protective device. Finally, based on the ergonomics theory, the safety distance, signs, colors and behavior factors of the protective devices are analyzed.
There are few quantitative research on protective devices in the mechanical protection standards issued by the state. The research of this topic is of great significance to the quantitative research of the coupling protection device. The use of the design method of dimension chain has made up for the tedious and inefficient shortcomings of the traditional design method, and provides a feasible way for the rapid design of the protection device. Law.



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