本文选题:履带式起重机 + 起升液压系统 ; 参考:《中南大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:液压履带起重机起升机构液压系统是其整个液压系统的核心部分。随着液压技术的不断进步和应用领域与范围的不断扩大,对起重机工作性能都提出了更高的要求。如何提高液压起重机的控制精度、改进其动态品质,实现系统数字虚拟化设计成了目前迫切需要解决的问题。研究起重机起升机构液压系统的动态特性、分析影响其动态品质的因素、提出改进的措施,对提升起重机的性能具有重要的现实意义。论文的主要工作如下: 阐述了目前国内外液压履带起重机的发展情况,分析了起升机构液压系统,综述了目前国内外液压系统动态特性的研究现状、研究的内容以及评价指标。 运用传递函数法建立了A8V0变量泵的数学模型,推导了其液压回路的传递函数,分析了其影响起升系统稳定性的主要结构因素;构建了A6VM变量泵的数学模型,通过对其系统传递函数的分析可知,马达的初始排量、初始负载压降、液压容腔的体积、转动惯量以及粘性阻尼系数等均会对系统稳定性产生影响。 建立了起升机构动力学模型,对动力学模型中的阻尼、刚度和质量进行了等效计算推导,并结合山河装备集团的QUY160型履带式起重机,求解了其动力学模型中的相关参数,利用simulink仿真模型得到了空中起升工况下动态响应的曲线,并得到了动载荷系数的值。 利用AMEsim软件对采用负载独立流量分配系统的履带起重机在不同负载情况下进行仿真分析;对起升液压系统进行不同工况下仿真分析,得出了变量缸旁路阻尼、LS阀设定压力、平衡阀旁路阻尼、马达排量阶跃变化、LS阀弹簧刚度、外负载各参数值对系统动态特性的影响规律。 针对履带起重机作业环境的特殊性,开发了一套专用的远程无线测试系统,为履带起重机的系统分析提供了一种有效工具。
[Abstract]:The hydraulic system of hydraulic crawler crane hoisting mechanism is the core of its hydraulic system. With the continuous progress of hydraulic technology and the continuous expansion of application field and scope, higher requirements for crane performance are put forward. How to improve the control precision of hydraulic crane, improve its dynamic quality and realize the design of system digital virtualization has become an urgent problem to be solved. It is of great practical significance to study the dynamic characteristics of the hydraulic system of crane hoisting mechanism, analyze the factors affecting its dynamic quality, and put forward some measures to improve the performance of crane. The main work of the thesis is as follows: This paper expounds the development of hydraulic crawler crane at home and abroad, analyzes the hydraulic system of hoisting mechanism, and summarizes the research status, contents and evaluation indexes of dynamic characteristics of hydraulic system at home and abroad. The mathematical model of A8V0 variable pump is established by using transfer function method, the transfer function of its hydraulic circuit is deduced, the main structural factors affecting the stability of lifting system are analyzed, and the mathematical model of A6VM variable pump is constructed. Through the analysis of the system transfer function, it can be seen that the initial displacement of the motor, the initial pressure drop of the load, the volume of the hydraulic cavity, the moment of inertia and the viscous damping coefficient will affect the stability of the system. The dynamic model of hoisting mechanism is established. The damping, stiffness and mass of the dynamic model are calculated and deduced. The parameters of the dynamic model are solved by combining with the QUY160 crawler crane of Shanghe equipment Group. The curve of dynamic response and the value of dynamic load coefficient are obtained by using simulink simulation model. By using AMEsim software, the crawler crane with load independent flow distribution system is simulated under different load conditions, the lifting hydraulic system is simulated under different working conditions, and the setting pressure of variable cylinder bypass damping LS valve is obtained. The influence of balance valve bypass damping, motor displacement step change, the stiffness of LS valve spring and the parameters of external load on the dynamic characteristics of the system are discussed. According to the particularity of crawler crane working environment, a special remote wireless testing system is developed, which provides an effective tool for the system analysis of crawler crane.
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