本文选题:强力型履带起重机 + 臂架 ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:由于强力型履带起重机具有作业频繁且受载荷大的特征,容易导致强力型履带起重机某些部件发生疲劳破坏。 随着科学技术和现代工业的发展,,对履带式起重机的设计和制造提出了更高的要求。在满足工作与要求的情况下,小尺寸、轻量化和长寿命设计是未来发展的必然趋势。臂架是强力型履带起重机典型部件,采用高强度材料有利于提高臂架的疲劳强度,进而提高整个强力型履带起重机的使用寿命。 本文阐述了强力型履带起重机臂架进行疲劳分析的必要性,并对国内外疲劳理论、计算方法和现状进行了阐述,同时也对国内外起重机行业内的疲劳分析的现状进行了介绍。臂架的疲劳分析有必要对在受力情况下的应力分布进行分析。本文采用了三种应力分析方法:基于理论公式的受力分析、有限元模拟和实际应力值测试。分析结果表明,采用有限元模拟和实测应力值的方法能够较为准确地定性和定量分析臂架的应力分布。 由于强力型履带起重机臂架使用高强度材料,本文还对国产高强度钢管HSM770材料进行了轴向加载疲劳试验和旋转弯曲疲劳试验;试验结果按疲劳数据处理方法进行处理后,得到两种不同加载方式的S-N和p-S-N曲线。最终给出两种不同加载方式的疲劳极限,并通过疲劳数据统计计算给出95%置信度下存活率在50%和90%的?1σ疲劳寿命。此项试验填补了我国高强度钢管缺少疲劳分析数据的空白,可以为相关人员提供有益的参考。 最后提出臂架疲劳分析的步骤,并对强力型履带起重机臂架上的一个具有代表性的受力点进行了疲劳分析,最终提出了一个可行的基于理论和实验的疲劳分析方法。此项工作对于履带起重机的研发和设计人员,具有较高的参考价值。
[Abstract]:As the strong crawler crane has the characteristics of frequent operation and large load, it is easy to cause fatigue damage of some parts of the strong crawler crane. With the development of science and technology and modern industry, higher requirements for the design and manufacture of crawler cranes are put forward. Small size, light weight and long life design are the inevitable trend of future development. Jib is a typical part of strong crawler crane. The use of high strength material can improve the fatigue strength of boom and improve the service life of the whole strong crawler crane. This paper expounds the necessity of fatigue analysis for the jib of strong crawler crane, expounds the fatigue theory, calculation method and present situation at home and abroad, and also introduces the present situation of fatigue analysis in crane industry at home and abroad. It is necessary to analyze the stress distribution of the arm under the loading condition. In this paper, three kinds of stress analysis methods are used: stress analysis based on theoretical formula, finite element simulation and actual stress measurement. The results show that the stress distribution of the boom can be qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed by means of finite element simulation and measured stress. Due to the use of high strength material in the jib of strong crawler crane, the axial loading fatigue test and rotating bending fatigue test of HSM770 steel tube made in China are also carried out, and the test results are processed according to the fatigue data processing method. The S-N and p-S-N curves of two different loading modes were obtained. Finally, the fatigue limit of two different loading modes is given, and the fatigue life of 50% and 90% of the survival rate under 95% confidence is obtained by statistical calculation of fatigue data. This experiment fills up the lack of fatigue analysis data for high strength steel pipes in China and can provide useful reference for relevant personnel. Finally, the steps of fatigue analysis of boom are put forward, and the fatigue analysis of a representative force point on the boom of strong crawler crane is carried out. Finally, a feasible fatigue analysis method based on theory and experiment is put forward. This work has high reference value for the R & D and design personnel of crawler crane.
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