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发布时间:2018-07-13 14:43
【摘要】:随着经济全球化的不断深入,快速变换的市场环境使得企业面临日益激烈的企业间的竞争;加之全球经济危机的来袭,更是让企业的营商环境雪上加霜。LS集团重装股份公司实行的是集中采购,公司的物供部负责下属的一个分公司和-个全资子公司的物资供应,企业因为业务流程的原因导致的采购成本过高、材料无法按期到厂等问题日益严重;企业亟需对物资供应的流程进行改进,从而建立起科学、高效、低成本的物资供应体系。 现今,卓越的流程已经成为企业的核心竞争力。本文运用最新的业务流程管理BPM、价值链理论和相关的工具与方法,对LS集团重装公司物资供应业务流程存在的问题进行分析和改进。 本文针对目前LS集团重装公司物资供应流程中存在的业务运作不规范、流程不能指导和反映实际工作、严重的“部门墙”和部门间责任相互扯皮现象等问题,对物资供应业务流程存在的问题进行深入分析,并通过物资供应业务流程的改进,解决现在流程中出现的问题,改善工作质量和固化企业流程、促进团队合作、使企业管理标准化和程序化,最终实现企业物资供应流程水平的提高,从而提高物资供应的效率和降低企业的采购成本,使物资供应供应管理从粗放型管理过渡到规范化管理直至精细化管理。 根据论文分析,要持续改进企业的业务流程,提升企业流程管理的水平,必须建立其建立其适合公司自身情况的流程管理体系,流程管理是闭环和渐进的,流程管理的实践是一个过程,关键是结合企业实际情况,进行从量变到质变的积累。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of economic globalization and the rapid changing market environment, enterprises are facing increasingly fierce competition among enterprises; in addition, the global economic crisis is coming. It also makes the business environment of enterprises worse. LS Group rescheduled the stock company to implement centralized procurement. The company's material supply department is responsible for the supply of materials to a subsidiary company and to a wholly-owned subsidiary. Because of the high purchasing cost caused by the business process, the problem that the material can not arrive at the factory on time is more and more serious, and the enterprise urgently needs to improve the material supply process so as to establish a scientific, efficient and low cost material supply system. Today, the outstanding process has become the core competitiveness of enterprises. This paper analyzes and improves the problems existing in the material supply business process of LS Group reloading Company by using the latest BPM, value chain theory and related tools and methods. This paper aims at the problems of non-standard business operation in the material supply process of LS Group reloading company, the process can not guide and reflect the actual work, the serious "department wall" and the phenomenon of inter-departmental responsibility being irregularity, etc. Deeply analyze the problems existing in the material supply business process, and solve the existing problems through the improvement of the material supply business process, improve the work quality and solidify the enterprise process, and promote the team cooperation. The standardization and procedure of enterprise management will be realized, and the level of material supply process will be improved, which will improve the efficiency of material supply and reduce the purchasing cost of enterprise. Make the material supply management transition from extensive management to standardized management to fine management. According to the analysis of the paper, in order to continuously improve the business process and enhance the level of enterprise process management, it is necessary to establish a process management system suitable for the company's own situation, and the process management is closed-loop and gradual. Process management practice is a process, the key is to combine the actual situation of enterprises, from quantitative change to qualitative change accumulation.


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