[Abstract]:In order to improve the slag removal conditions and reduce the influence of zinc slag on the surface quality of steel plate, Shanghai Baosteel Company designed zinc ash pump to solve the problem of hot galvanizing slag removal. The significance of manufacture and use of zinc ash pump is briefly described. The theoretical analysis of zinc ash pump is made. Based on the theory of gas-liquid two-phase flow and turbulence model, the mathematical model is built, and the VOF model is used as numerical simulation, and the simulation results are analyzed. The process of removing zinc slag by using siphon principle of zinc ash pump is verified, and the distribution of flow field inside zinc ash pump is analyzed. It is found that the velocity of zinc slag ejected from the outlet of zinc ash pump is affected by the mass flow and pressure of nitrogen: when the nitrogen flow rate is small, the mass flow rate of zinc slag is reasonable and the spatter range is small, and when the nitrogen pressure is high, Due to the effect of acceleration, nitrogen is mainly applied to the outlet, so the zinc slag ejected from the liquid zinc is of very little mass and energy loss. The proper initial state of nitrogen was obtained by analysis, and the rationality and practicability of the equipment were verified.
【作者单位】: 宝钢股份公司冷轧厂;东北大学机械工程与自动化学院;
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