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发布时间:2018-07-17 00:38
【摘要】:爆破片是承压设备的最后一道安全保护装置,其所应用的设备大多是装载易燃、易爆或有毒介质。因此,要求在设备正常运行时,绝不允许有泄漏或泄放。而一旦发生操作异常时,以要求其准确、及时的将压力泄放出来。以避免发生更重大的事故。而爆破片是一次性开启的安全装置。因此,其动作的准确性及可靠性是由制造厂的制造技术和产品质量来保证的。由于其产品的特殊性,在国际上都是采用型式试验的方法来对产品的质量和性能以及对制造厂的制造能力进行评价的。2003年国务院颁布的《特种设备安全监察条例》以后,要求部分特种设备产品由第三方进行型式试验,爆破片则是此范围内。沈阳市特种设备检测研究院承接了爆破片的型式试验项目。我院自此开始进行国家爆破片型式试验实验室的建设筹备工作。 本项目中主要研究了爆破片型式试验的方法和设备,即建立爆破片的型式试验室并在研究完成后制定相应的试验标准。其中主要试验项目为爆破压力测定试验、流体阻力系数测定试验。本文主要研究了爆破片流体阻力系数测定试验,关键是如何准确的测定流体的流量,以及调整和控制试验介质的压力。我们制作了一套音速喷嘴组及测试装置及采用了高精度的绝压传感器和差压传感器,组成了50-200mm的爆破片阻力系数测试系统。在低于爆破压力条件下准确的测量出试验介质的流量,并计算出爆破片的流体阻力系数。
[Abstract]:The explosive disc is the last safety protection device of the pressure equipment, most of the equipment used is loaded with flammable, explosive or toxic medium. Therefore, no leakage or release should be allowed during the normal operation of the equipment. Once the operation is abnormal, it is required to release the pressure accurately and timely. To avoid more serious accidents. The explosive disc is a safety device that is turned on at one time. Therefore, the accuracy and reliability of the operation is guaranteed by manufacturing technology and product quality. Because of the particularity of its products, the method of type test is adopted in the world to evaluate the quality and performance of the products and the manufacturing capability of the manufacturers. After the "regulations on Safety Supervision of Special equipment" promulgated by the State Council in 2003, Some special equipment products are required to be tested by third parties, and blasting discs are within this range. Shenyang Special equipment testing Institute undertook the type test project of blasting disc. Since then, our institute has been preparing for the construction of the National blasting pattern Test Laboratory. In this project, the method and equipment of blasting disc type test are mainly studied, that is, the type laboratory of blasting disc is established and the corresponding test standard is worked out after the study is completed. The main test items are blasting pressure test and fluid resistance coefficient test. In this paper, the measurement of the fluid resistance coefficient of the blasting disc is mainly studied. The key is how to accurately measure the flow rate of the fluid, and how to adjust and control the pressure of the test medium. We have made a set of sonic nozzle set and testing device and adopted high precision adiabatic pressure sensor and differential pressure sensor to make up the 50-200mm blast disc resistance coefficient test system. The flow rate of the test medium is measured accurately under the condition of lower blasting pressure, and the fluid resistance coefficient of the blasting disc is calculated.


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