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发布时间:2018-07-18 16:16
【摘要】:液压集成块是集成式液压系统的关键部件,广泛应用在液压系统中,推动了液压系统向集成化和标准化方向发展。通过对国内外现状的研究,液压集成块的设计主要以满足工艺孔数量最少、流道总长度最短和体积最小为目标,实现流道内部的连通和集成块外部液压阀件布局为主的结构设计,但随着工业技术的不断进步和现在节能降耗的巨大压力,对集成块的综合性能要求越来越高。本文主要研究某装备装填系统中的液压集成块,应用计算流体动力学(CFD)方法分析集成块流道结构参数对液流流动特性的影响因素,进而优化液压集成块的流道结构,使优化设计后的液压集成块改善流道内部液流的流动性能,为改进系统的整体性能提供理论依据。 流体在液压集成块内部的流动是非常复杂的湍流和非定常流动,首先针对流道内不同流动状态建立液压集成块管网流场的数学模型,同时建立三维物理模型,采用结构化网格和非结构化网格相结合的混合网格划分形式,选用低雷诺数的k -ε湍流模型进行模拟求解。 其次应用仿真软件FLUENT系统的分析了液压集成块内部典型流道的液流流动特性(压力、速度、迹线、漩涡的产生与消失、流动的分离、扩散和附壁),得出典型流道结构参数与局部阻碍之间的影响规律。同时以液压集成块管网组成的液压功能回路为研究对象,运用整体流道的仿真分析方法模拟管网内部液流的流动状态。根据仿真分析的结果,对液压集成块内部的流道结构进行优化,实现液压集成块结构设计与性能设计的结合。 最后按照液压集成块在装填系统内的功能原理设计液压集成块的试验台,检测液压集成块的综合性能,取得了良好的效果,提高了系统的整体性能,充分验证了整体流道的仿真分析方法对集成块的优化设计更具有指导意义。
[Abstract]:Hydraulic manifold block is the key component of integrated hydraulic system. It is widely used in hydraulic system and promotes the development of hydraulic system towards integration and standardization. Through the research of the present situation at home and abroad, the design of the hydraulic manifold block is mainly aimed at satisfying the minimum number of technological holes, the shortest total length and the smallest volume of the runner. With the continuous progress of industrial technology and the huge pressure of energy saving and consumption reduction, the integrated performance of the integrated block is required more and more with the development of industrial technology and the great pressure of energy saving and consumption reduction. In this paper, the hydraulic manifold block in a certain equipment filling system is studied, and the influence factors of the flow channel structure parameters on the fluid flow characteristics of the integrated block are analyzed by using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method, and the flow channel structure of the hydraulic manifold block is optimized. The optimized design of the hydraulic manifold block can improve the flow performance of the fluid flow inside the channel and provide the theoretical basis for improving the overall performance of the system. The flow of fluid in the hydraulic manifold block is very complicated turbulence and unsteady flow. Firstly, the mathematical model of the flow field of the hydraulic manifold block pipe network is established according to the different flow states in the channel, and the three-dimensional physical model is also established. In this paper, a hybrid meshing method combining structured and unstructured meshes is proposed, and the k-蔚 turbulence model with low Reynolds number is used to solve the problem. Secondly, the fluid flow characteristics (pressure, velocity, trace line, vortex generation and disappearance, separation of flow) of typical flow channel in hydraulic manifold block are analyzed by using fluent system. The influence of the structural parameters of the typical flow channel on the local obstruction is obtained by diffusion and wall attachment. At the same time, the hydraulic functional circuit composed of the hydraulic manifold block pipe network is taken as the research object, and the flow state of the fluid flow inside the pipe network is simulated by the simulation analysis method of the whole flow channel. According to the results of simulation analysis, the internal flow channel structure of hydraulic manifold block is optimized to realize the combination of structure design and performance design of hydraulic manifold block. Finally, according to the function principle of the hydraulic manifold block in the loading system, the test bed of the hydraulic manifold block is designed, the comprehensive performance of the hydraulic manifold block is tested, and the good effect is obtained, and the overall performance of the system is improved. It is proved that the simulation analysis method of the whole channel is more instructive to the optimization design of the integrated block.


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