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发布时间:2018-07-20 20:16
【摘要】:随着高速精密机械的迅速发展,圆柱滚子轴承的转速及工作温度越来越高,采用打滑率低、工作温度高的陶瓷滚子轴承已成为一种趋势。陶瓷滚子作为陶瓷滚子轴承的核心件,目前还没有比较合适的超精密加工方法。 本文根据陶瓷滚子的材料特点和特种加工的发展现状,采用磁流变超声波复合抛光技术对陶瓷滚子进行超精密加工,该方法是流体动力学、电磁学、化学、声学、机械学等多学科的综合应用,,具有加工效率高、加工表面质量易于控制等特点。本文的研究内容如下: 1.根据磁流变液的性能要求和陶瓷滚子磁流变抛光的具体需求,研究了磁流变液的各组分,配制了适于陶瓷滚子抛光的油基磁流变液。经过对陶瓷滚子进行抛光试验得知配制的磁流变液其性能符合陶瓷滚子抛光的要求。 2.根据陶瓷滚子磁流变超声波复合抛光技术的工艺特点,研制了磁流变超声波复合抛光的试验装置,根据陶瓷滚子定位及抛光的需要,滚子需在导辊上来回往复运动,要求工作台在换向过程无冲击,另外在机械装置中加入了超声振动装置。本文重点研究了超声振动装置和试验装置控制系统中的加减速算法模型。 3.对磁流变超声波抛光时陶瓷滚子材料的去除机理进行了研究,认为磁流变超声波抛光是由于磁流变抛光液的流动使抛光颗粒剪切去除了工件表面,利用Preston方程,研究了磁流变超声波复合抛光过程中滚子所受的压力。 4.利用自制的的陶瓷滚子抛光设备,对影响陶瓷滚子抛光质量的工艺参数进行了试验研究,进行了以抛光去除率和表面粗糙度为考核指标的工艺试验,得出了抛光头转速、超声振幅、工件与抛光头间隙、不同的抛光粉等因素对抛光去除率和表面粗糙度的影响规律。并根据试验结果对抛光工艺进行了优化。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of high speed precision machinery, the rotation speed and working temperature of cylindrical roller bearings are becoming higher and higher. It has become a trend to adopt ceramic roller bearings with low slip rate and high working temperature. As the core part of ceramic roller bearing, ceramic roller is not suitable for ultra-precision machining. In this paper, according to the material characteristics of ceramic roller and the development of special machining, the magneto-rheological ultrasonic compound polishing technology is used to carry out ultra-precision machining of ceramic roller. The method is hydrodynamics, electromagnetism, chemistry, acoustics, etc. The comprehensive application of mechanics and other disciplines has the characteristics of high machining efficiency and easy control of machined surface quality. The main contents of this paper are as follows: 1. According to the performance requirements of MRF and the specific requirement of MRP for ceramic roller, the components of MRF are studied, and the oil-based MRF suitable for ceramic roller polishing is prepared. According to the polishing test of ceramic roller, it is known that the properties of the prepared magnetorheological fluid meet the requirements of ceramic roller polishing. 2. According to the technological characteristics of ceramic roller magneto-rheological ultrasonic composite polishing technology, An experimental device for magneto-rheological ultrasonic composite polishing was developed. According to the needs of ceramic roller positioning and polishing, the roller needs to move back and forth on the guide roller, and the worktable is required to have no impact in the reversing process. In addition, the ultrasonic vibration device is added to the mechanical device. This paper focuses on the acceleration and deceleration algorithm model in the control system of ultrasonic vibration device and test device. 3. The removal mechanism of ceramic roller material during magneto-rheological ultrasonic polishing is studied. It is considered that the magnetorheological ultrasonic polishing is due to the flow of the magnetorheological polishing fluid that the polished particles are shearing off the workpiece surface, and the Preston equation is used. The pressure of roller in the process of magneto-rheological ultrasonic composite polishing is studied. 4. By using the self-made ceramic roller polishing equipment, the technological parameters affecting the polishing quality of ceramic roller are studied experimentally. The technological tests with polishing removal rate and surface roughness as evaluation indexes were carried out, and the effects of polishing head speed, ultrasonic amplitude, gap between workpiece and polishing head, and different polishing powder on the polishing removal rate and surface roughness were obtained. The polishing process was optimized according to the test results.


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