[Abstract]:With the development of the times and science and technology, people put forward higher requirements for vehicle driving stability and ride comfort, so semi-active suspension technology has been widely concerned by academia and industry. As a new intelligent material, magnetorheological fluid (MRF) can realize the rapid transformation of liquid and semisolid under the action of external magnetic field, and the conversion process is controllable and reversible. The magneto-rheological fluid damper is designed according to the characteristics of the magnetorheological fluid. It has the advantages of high response speed, good controllability, low power consumption, relatively simple structure and large output force. It is very suitable for application in vehicle suspension system. In this paper, a new type of magneto-rheological fluid damper with self-fed energy is designed and equipped in the suspension system of ZL50 wheel loader. Its significance lies in the design principle and method of the magneto-rheological fluid damper through theoretical analysis and simulation test. It provides valuable design basis and practical means for the early development of semi-active magnetorheological suspension system with energy saving and high reliability. The main contents of the thesis are as follows: in Chapter 1, the background and significance of the research are described, and the magneto-rheological fluid damper, the magnetorheological fluid damper, and the magneto-rheological fluid damper at home and abroad are summarized respectively. The research status and existing problems of vehicle suspension system and suspension control system, aiming at the existing problems of ZL50 wheel loader suspension system, put forward the main research contents of this paper. In chapter 2, a new type of magneto-rheological fluid damper with single output rod is designed. According to the Bingham mechanical model, the output force model is established. The mechanical structure and magnetic circuit of the new magnetorheological fluid damper are optimized by multi-objective design; the energy fed generator of the damper is designed; the model of the damper is established in Matlab/simulink and its external characteristics are analyzed. In chapter 3, the mathematical model of sinusoidal road excitation is established; the performance evaluation index of suspension system is introduced briefly; the semi-active suspension system and passive suspension system model of loader are established; the stability of semi-active suspension system is judged. The transfer function of suspension system is derived and its amplitude-frequency characteristic is analyzed, and the influence of suspension system parameters on its response is analyzed. Chapter 4 analyzes the observability and controllability of suspension system. The linear quadratic optimal controller, fuzzy neural network controller and energy feedback control are designed. The four control strategies are simulated and compared in Matlab/Simulink. Finally, the research work and results of this paper are summarized, and the shortcomings of this paper are pointed out, and the further research work is prospected.
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