[Abstract]:Intelligent fault diagnosis based on knowledge processing is a hot topic in fault diagnosis. The key lies in the knowledge representation and knowledge reasoning in the field of intelligent diagnosis, that is, the construction of knowledge base and the application of inference machine. Nowadays, knowledge representation and knowledge processing methods have some shortcomings in the field of diagnosis, such as logical representation, production representation, although the reasoning ability of knowledge is strong, but the structure is complex, and the fault is related to each other. The fault areas with strong interlacing have the defect of insufficient expression ability. The knowledge representation method based on network has strong knowledge representation ability, but the complexity of reasoning is high, so it is difficult to give the diagnosis answer in a reasonable time. At the same time, these methods can not meet the requirements in dealing with implied knowledge and detecting the logical correctness of empirical knowledge. In view of the shortcomings of existing knowledge representation, knowledge processing methods in fault diagnosis and description logic in knowledge representation, knowledge processing has the characteristics of strong expressive ability and low reasoning complexity. In this paper, an intelligent fault diagnosis method based on description logic is proposed in the field of fault diagnosis. The application background of this paper is the fault diagnosis of elevator system. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1) the knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation and reasoning methods in the field of fault diagnosis are analyzed in detail, and the intelligent fault diagnosis method based on description logic is put forward. 2) use description logic to express fault domain knowledge, construct knowledge base, and infer; 3) construct elevator fault knowledge base based on description logic and realize reasoning for elevator system domain; 4) the software of elevator fault diagnosis and safety evaluation system is designed and implemented. In this paper, the description logic theory is applied to fault diagnosis, the knowledge base is constructed by hierarchical classification method and reasoning is carried out, and the problems of complex knowledge structure and strong interleaving in various forms are dealt with in this paper. In the process of reasoning, it makes good use of the knowledge contained in the domain, has a high utilization rate of knowledge base, and makes a good compromise between the ability of knowledge representation and the complexity of reasoning. Finally, the elevator fault diagnosis and safety evaluation system is developed, which has practical application value.
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