[Abstract]:Spiral bevel gear is a kind of space bevel gear which is widely used in all kinds of high speed and heavy load transmission of intersecting shaft and intersecting shaft, especially in aircraft, ship, precision machine tools, construction machinery and vehicle transmission industries. The adjustment of work largely depends on the experience of the operator, which makes the precision machining of tooth surface very difficult and sensitive to manufacturing and installation errors. Therefore, the design and manufacture of spiral bevel gears have played a very important role in the mechanical industry.
At present, the spiral angle of each point on the tooth alignment of ordinary spiral bevel gears with involute, arc and extended epicycloid as the tooth alignment is unequal, which can not guarantee the most reasonable meshing theoretically. To solve the problems of unstable transmission, severe friction and wear, low transmission efficiency caused by unequal helical angles at different meshing points in the process of spiral bevel gear transmission. Processing and manufacturing provide a practical theoretical basis.
The main research work of this subject is as follows:
1. The parametric variables of the cone logarithmic helix equation and the characteristics of the cone logarithmic helix are analyzed. The continuity and smoothness of the cone logarithmic helix are proved.
2. By using Pro/E and MATLAB three-dimensional parametric software, the three-dimensional parametric modeling of the logarithmic spiral of cone is realized, and the characteristic that the logarithmic spiral of cone can satisfy the uniform distribution on the cone itself is obtained. The cone logarithmic helix with the same rotation direction or the same starting point position and the opposite rotation direction can be obtained by changing the position of the cone logarithmic helix. In addition, when the starting and ending radius vectors of the cone logarithmic helix are determined, the change range of the only parameter in the cone logarithmic helix equation can be obtained, that is, the boundary condition of the cone logarithmic helix is established.
3. With the help of the construction method of cylindrical vector equation, the tooth surface vector diagram of logarithmic spiral bevel gears with involute as tooth profile and taper logarithmic helix as tooth orientation is constructed. Then the tooth surface equations of left and right tooth surfaces are established by coordinate transformation principle and the characteristics of taper logarithmic helix and involute, and the tooth surface equations of left and right tooth surfaces are established in MATLAB with M language. The three-dimensional model of tooth surface is obtained by programming, the correctness of tooth surface construction method and tooth surface equation is demonstrated, and the two parameters of tooth surface are quantified, and the boundary conditions of tooth surface are constructed completely.
4. Based on the knowledge of differential geometry, the mathematical characteristics of normal curvature, principal curvature and principal direction, short-range curvature and short-range torsion of the tooth surface are analyzed, and the mathematical characteristics of the tooth surface are obtained, which lays a mathematical foundation for studying the engineering significance of the new bevel gear-logarithmic spiral bevel gear.
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