[Abstract]:With the extensive application of a large number of new mechanical technologies, the rapid expansion of urban scale, the rapid development of land transportation network and the implementation of various large-scale construction projects, the construction machinery products provide a huge development space. Construction machinery products gradually develop from the initial state of simple structure and single function to the direction of complex structure, comprehensive function, high performance, multipurpose, serialization, beautiful shape and comfortable use. The rich product connotation also makes the design of construction machinery products become a more and more complex systematic work. However, in the process of research and development of construction machinery products in our country at the present stage, the concept of over-emphasizing the function technology of products leads to the serious phenomenon of homogenization of products, and the market competitiveness is far less than the similar products of foreign countries. Domestic construction machinery industry is aware of the shortcomings of construction machinery product research and development, experts and scholars have also carried out a variety of systematic research on the appearance design method of construction machinery products. However, the results of the research have different opinions and have not formed a complete system. This paper presents a research method of design evaluation and positioning of construction machinery products based on perceptual engineering. The method is based on perceptual engineering and uses eye movement instrument as a tool to collect evaluation information. Through the eye movement instrument experiment and its data analysis to obtain the data which the critic needs, makes the rational product design appraisal; According to the evaluation results, the method of semantic difference (SD) and factor analysis were used to locate the product appearance design accurately, and a relatively systematic evaluation positioning system was formed. Perceptual engineering is a good way to transfer perceptual factors into product design elements. However, the perceptual data collected by the semantic difference method is more or less affected by the subjective feelings of the subjects, resulting in experimental errors to a certain extent. In order to solve this problem, the author puts forward the research idea of determining the location data according to the design evaluation results, and by using high-tech instruments to scientifically and reasonably screen the evaluation information of the subjects, to ensure the reliability of the data used in the positioning. Finally, through the experiment of the eye movement instrument and the related user investigation, the research method of "definite position by evaluation" is applied to an example to verify the reliability and practicability of the research method.
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