[Abstract]:With the development of power electronic technology and microprocessor, electric forklift has more and more high research value and broad application prospect. The design core of electric forklift is forklift control system. Therefore, the study of forklift control system has a very realistic economic and social benefits. The main purpose of this paper is to design and implement a set of electric forklift control system which can be used in design and application. The main content of the design includes main circuit, drive circuit and control circuit. The direct torque control strategy is applied to the control of asynchronous motor. In the design of the main circuit, the key technical difficulty lies in the characteristics of low voltage and high current of the motor. Because the electric forklift car uses the asynchronous motor with low voltage and high current, This requires that the power MOSFET used has a very large current capacity and the volume can not be too large, so we have to adopt the parallel mode of multiple tubes, so the problem of current sharing in parallel connection becomes a problem that must be solved. In this design, the current sharing problem of MOSFET is compared and the overall simulation experiments are carried out, and the factors that affect the parallel current sharing are determined, and how to select the reasonable parameters to produce a good current sharing effect is also given. The design of driving circuit is mainly based on IR2214 driver chip. The key technology of the chip is introduced in detail. In the drive of MOSFET, one driver chip drives the upper and lower legs, and the three lower legs can share a power supply. The upper arm adopts the advanced bootstrap method, which greatly reduces the use of power supply and saves cost and volume. The control circuit is built mainly based on DSP28335, and the direct torque control strategy is applied to low voltage and high current motor through simulation experiment. Finally, the problems of no-load low frequency oscillation of induction motor are simulated, and the causes, influencing factors and solutions of the low frequency oscillation are found out.
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