[Abstract]:The all-ground crane is a kind of high performance product with the characteristics of both automobile crane and off-road crane. Under the condition of superior maneuverability, the all-ground crane is also developing to large tonnage to meet more requirements of hoisting condition. Before 2003, all the all-ground cranes in the Chinese market were imported. After Xugong introduced 25 tons of all-ground cranes in 2003, Xugong Group launched QAY400 and QAY500 all-ground cranes at the Shanghai BUMA Engineering Machinery Exhibition in 2008. By 2010, Shanghai BUMA Chinese enterprises had Xugong Group, Sany heavy Industry exhibited 1000 tons of all-ground cranes, and Zhonglian heavy Industries also launched 400-ton, 500-ton all-ground cranes, so far. The all-ground crane in our country has reached the international advanced level in large tonnage. In the context of the rapid development of all-ground cranes, how to ensure the safety and stability of products puts forward higher requirements on technology. Although foreign products can provide us with reference, But the core technology of product design still needs to be researched. The structure scale, the result form and the complexity of hoisting condition of large tonnage crane are far beyond those of small tonnage crane before, and the accurate calculation of structural strength of large tonnage crane is an important step to guarantee the product quality. In this paper, the simplified beam model is used to calculate the jib structure of the crane. The calculation accuracy is verified by experiments, in which the limit load of the equipment is taken into account, and the influence of large deformation after the load on the equipment is taken into account. In addition, on the basis of the previous analytical method, the finite element model is used to calculate and extract the performance control items, and the hoisting performance of the corresponding vehicle design scheme is calculated, thus realizing the multi-condition batch processing performance calculation. The precision and speed of design and calculation are improved effectively. This program has been applied in the development of large tonnage all-ground crane in Xugong Group, and its validity has been verified. In addition, the method of this program is helpful to realize parameterization. Based on this program, the parameterized program for finite element analysis of large-tonnage all-ground crane has been completed and applied.
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