[Abstract]:Winding gasket is a kind of seal made of fine composite material. It is made of formed steel strip with certain geometric section and non-metal strip alternately wound, because of its good sealing performance, in petrochemical, The V winding gasket has good performance and the angle of steel strip has a significant influence on the performance of the winding gasket. The winding gasket is divided into four types according to its structure: basic type, inner ring, outer ring and outer ring. The phenomenon of outer ring warping is often found in the equipment with outer ring and outer ring, and the leakage often occurs on these warped gaskets. In this paper, the causes of warpage in the outer ring of winding gasket are analyzed theoretically and numerically simulated, and the reasonable machining error size is given. In this paper, the stress model of the outer ring of the winding gasket outer ring under the condition of asymmetric V-groove is established, and the force analysis and the strength calculation under the action of bending moment are carried out. Through theoretical calculation, it is proved that there exists a bending moment when the V-shaped slot of the outer ring of the winding gasket is asymmetrical. Warpage occurs in the outer ring of the winding gasket, which reduces the springback effect on the body of the wound gasket and affects the sealing performance of the winding gasket, which is the main reason for the leakage of the warp-wound gasket of the outer ring. According to the allowable use of the material, the critical moment and the critical deviation, and the maximum deflection of the outer ring under the critical moment, the deformation of the outer ring is simulated by using finite element method. The simulation results are basically consistent with the theoretical results. The accuracy of the theoretical calculation is verified. The analysis and calculation in this paper is of guiding significance to the production and standard formulation of the winding gasket.
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