[Abstract]:According to modern design theory, 70% of the product's structure, function and cost are determined in the design stage. The selection of materials is also an extremely important part in the design of mechanical products. The major failure of many machines lies not in their motion design and dynamic design, but in the improper selection of materials and grades. In recent years, more and more new materials have been used to reduce product weight, improve product quality and reduce product cost. In addition, the innovative design also needs the material choice aspect innovation to give the support. Therefore, how to select the best materials in a large number of materials has become a hot topic for scholars at home and abroad. In this paper, an intelligent material selection system is studied and implemented, and the material database and knowledge base are established. The application of BP neural network and expert system in material selection is emphatically studied. The work of this paper includes the following aspects: firstly, the problems existing in the selection of traditional materials are discussed, and the present situation of research on material selection methods and expert systems at home and abroad is analyzed. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the neural network and the expert system, this paper proposes to design the material selection system by combining the BP neural network with the expert system, and recommends the material for the designer. Secondly, the source of material data is determined, the standard storage format of material is studied, the material database containing most engineering materials information is established, and the material query module of the system is developed. The knowledge base is established. The system acquires the experts' knowledge of selecting materials and stores it in the knowledge base by learning samples and summarizing. Thirdly, according to the knowledge in the knowledge base, the system material selection module is set up, which includes a BP neural network and a decision tree. The material is recommended to the designer by asking questions, and the material selection results can be explained reasonably. Fourth, establish knowledge management module, user feedback module, help module, user management module and other auxiliary modules to improve the system functions. The system adopts the structure of B / S, all services are implemented on the server, which reduces the load of the client and makes the user more simple and convenient to use. Finally, an application example is given to verify the effectiveness of the system. This system can not only recommend suitable materials to designers, but also accumulate knowledge of material selection for inexperienced users.
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