[Abstract]:The electro-hydraulic proportional valve is the core control element in the electro-hydraulic control system and is widely used in the industrial field. As a key part of electro-hydraulic proportional control element, the performance of electro-mechanical converter directly affects the performance of electro-hydraulic proportional control element. The electro-mechanical converter of the traditional electro-hydraulic proportional valve is a proportional electromagnet. Although its price is low and its structure is simple and firm, it also has the disadvantages of poor linearity, large hysteresis and low control precision. In recent years, with the rapid development of power electronics technology and control theory, AC servo motor technology has been well developed, which has the characteristics of high control precision and fast response speed. In this paper, AC servo motor is used to replace proportional electromagnet as electro-mechanical converter of electro-hydraulic proportional valve, which solves the problem of proportional electromagnet. In this paper, permanent magnet AC servo motor is used to drive the movement of valve core and control the size of valve opening to realize the control of output flow. The characteristics of different schemes of digital proportional valve are analyzed, and the scheme design is completed. The characteristics of spool, valve body and throttle are analyzed, and the structure design of spool, valve body and throttle is completed. On the basis of the stress analysis of the valve core, the ball screw pair is designed and checked. The steady mathematical model of digital proportional valve is established. The mathematical models of servo drive system and mechanical drive system and the equation of motion of hydraulic slide valve are established respectively. On this basis, the dynamic mathematical model of digital proportional valve is established, which lays a foundation for further theoretical analysis. The steady and dynamic simulation models of the digital proportional valve are established by using the simulation environment of MATLAB software, and the steady and dynamic characteristics of the digital proportional valve are simulated and analyzed. Under the same conditions, the steady flow characteristics of the digital proportional valve driven by servo motor and the traditional proportional electrohydraulic proportional valve are compared. The experimental results show that the digital proportional valve has better linearity, smaller dead zone, larger linear zone and larger flow control range than the traditional proportional valve under the same structure of valve core valve body.
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