[Abstract]:Pump leakage is one of the most important problems in industry. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign literatures, a design idea of double layer leakage proof magnetic coupling is proposed in this paper. The magnetic circuit design method of double layer leakage proof magnetic coupling is analyzed, the structure design of double layer leakage proof magnetic coupling is completed, and the transfer torque and flux leakage coefficient are calculated. The isolation sleeve of the new magnetic coupling is made up of double spacers. The structure is novel and can play a good role in preventing leakage. Through the analysis of the material of the magnetic coupling isolation sleeve, the material of the magnetic coupling isolation sleeve is determined, the eddy current loss of the designed isolation sleeve is calculated, and the electrical conductivity of the isolation sleeve is analyzed. The effects of permeability and thickness on magnetic field and eddy current loss are discussed. The strength of the isolation sleeve is checked under two working conditions, and it is proved that the designed isolation sleeve meets the strength requirement. The variation of eddy current loss with magnetic rotation angle and the relationship between torque and magnetic rotation angle 胃 are analyzed by finite element method. On the basis of theoretical research, a double layer leakage proof magnetic coupling is developed. The torque transfer performance of the double layer leakage proof magnetic coupling and the corresponding common magnetic coupling is compared with that of the conventional magnetic coupling. The experimental results show that the transmission torque performance of the double layer leakage proof magnetic coupling is slightly higher than that of the ordinary magnetic coupling. The double-layer magnetic coupling developed in this paper has been applied to the magnetic pump of the acetic acid plant in Jiangsu Thorpe (Group) Co., Ltd.
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