[Abstract]:With the increasing energy and environmental problems, wind energy is widely used as a kind of clean renewable energy in the world. The gearbox is one of the important components in the wind-driven generator, and its performance has a great influence on the wind-driven generator. In this paper, a type of 1. 5MW wind-driven generator gear box is used as the object, and the system dynamic characteristics of the gear transmission system of the wind power generation speed-increasing box under the common action of external wind load and internal excitation are studied. Firstly, the physical model of the gear transmission system is established by means of the lumped parameter method. The three translational degrees of freedom and the three degrees of freedom of the system are included in the model. The coupling of the system response on the generalized coordinates is considered. In this paper, the elastic deformation of each gear pair along the meshing action line is analyzed in detail, and the mathematical model of the system is established by using the relative mass moment theorem of the center of mass. In addition, the bearing support stiffness is calculated and simplified, and the inherent frequency of the gear transmission system of the wind power generation speed-increasing box is obtained. and then the non-linear time-varying meshing stiffness of the inner and outer engagement of the wind power generation speed-increasing box gear transmission system and the error of the gear engagement are calculated, Differential excitation. The system external to the wind load is analyzed in detail. part excitation. The phase diagram, the Poincare section, the time domain waveform, the amplitude value spectrum and the axis of the system response are obtained. The dynamic characteristics of the transmission system of the wind power generation gear are more and more comprehensive. In the end, the finite element method is used to set up the finite element of the skew-and-torsional coupling of the helical gear transmission system, which takes into account the meshing stiffness of the gear teeth. The transmission shaft section adopts a three-dimensional six-degree-of-freedom beam unit, the gear adopts a concentrated mass unit, and the support rigidity of the bearing is a spring. The natural frequency and vibration mode of the gear transmission system are obtained, and the calculation result and the calculation of the dynamic model of the transmission system are obtained.
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