[Abstract]:Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is widely used in large digital systems because of its characteristics of multiple programmable, flexible structure and high reliability. Once these digital systems fail, it will cause huge loss of personnel and property, so the system needs high reliability. The practical application shows that the conventional method of fault tolerance can not meet the practical requirements, and a new fault-tolerant method is urgently needed to meet the practical requirements. Therefore, in this paper, the finite resource FPGA chip is studied, which overcomes the defect that the high quality chip will go wrong after long usage or increase the backup and redundancy of the system, which will increase the volume, weight and cost of the system. A new fault detection method based on FPGA is developed. By analyzing the application background and significance of high reliability system, on the basis of deeply analyzing the architecture of FPGA chip, the defects of low fault coverage and inaccurate fault location of FPGA interconnection resources are studied. An effective method to improve the fault coverage and the accuracy of fault location is presented. According to the characteristic that FPGA can be programmed many times, the programming model is added, the single fault of interconnected resource can be located to specific switch or a pair of line segments, and all single faults of interconnected resource can be covered. Based on the analysis of typical FPGA fault detection methods, the module design of fault detection method based on configuration data is completed in this paper. Three functional modules are successfully designed and verified by simulation. Finally, the key problems of fault detection based on configuration data are discussed.
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