[Abstract]:With the progress of industrial technology and the development of global market economy, higher requirements have been put forward for the production management of manufacturing enterprises, especially the workshop scheduling, which is the core technology of production management. However, in the past, most of the researches on job shop scheduling problems focused on deterministic job shop scheduling problems, and it is difficult to accurately describe all kinds of random factors in actual production. Aiming at various uncertain factors in production, the algorithm for solving job shop scheduling problem in uncertain environment is analyzed and designed. Mathematical modeling and analysis of job shop scheduling problem, analysis of modeling methods, input and output data, optimization objectives of the model, and analysis and comparison of common intelligent solution methods are carried out. In this paper, the basic genetic algorithm is studied. Considering the advantages and disadvantages of the genetic algorithm, an improved genetic algorithm, which can converge quickly and converge to the global optimal solution, is designed. The crossover and mutation probability are adjusted according to the distribution of population fitness to accelerate the convergence speed of the algorithm and avoid falling into the local optimal solution at the same time. In order to solve the job shop scheduling problem in uncertain environment, an uncertain job shop scheduling model based on fuzzy mathematical programming theory is established. The uncertain processing time is represented by triangular fuzzy number, and the uncertain due date is expressed by trapezoidal fuzzy number. With the aim of maximizing the average customer satisfaction of products, the improved genetic algorithm based on fuzzy mathematics is used to solve this kind of problem, and the simulation experiment is carried out by MATLAB to solve the job shop scheduling problem in uncertain environment.
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