[Abstract]:Active Lamb wave structural health monitoring method is considered to be one of the most effective methods for structural damage monitoring because it is sensitive to small damage such as crack delamination of composite materials and so on. However, most of the existing active Lamb wave damage monitoring methods use the reference signal processing method to obtain the damage scattering signal, that is to say, the health state response signal is taken as the reference signal. The method of obtaining the damage scattering signal by comparing the structural response signal under the damage state. This method is of great help to the research of principle and experiment, but because the processing method based on reference signal is easy to be affected by the change of structure and external conditions in the real application environment, the practicability of the method is affected to a certain extent. In this paper, the time reversal method based on Lamb wave is studied. After clarifying the propagation characteristics of Lamb wave, combining with the propagation characteristics of Lamb wave itself, this paper focuses on the problem of monitoring without reference structure. The propagation of Lamb wave in the process of time reversal is analyzed emphatically, and according to the phenomenon that the damage of the structure can destroy the waveform reconstruction of Lamb wave in the structure, An experimental study and verification of the health monitoring method of Lamb wave without reference structure based on time reversal is carried out. The contents include the analysis of the relevant experimental conditions and the feasibility verification of the method in the presence of damage and so on. Aiming at the problem of direct wave extraction in the process of time reversal, the solution of time window function is proposed. Finally, using the knowledge of mathematical statistics for reference, this paper puts forward an experimental data processing method based on extreme value theory, and further realizes the non-benchmark comparison in the process of data discrimination.
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