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发布时间:2019-07-01 14:15
【摘要】:塔式起重机(简称塔机)作为主要物料运输机械在建筑业得到广泛应用。尤其是近年来随着高层、超高层建筑的兴起,塔机在现代化建筑施工过程作用越来越大,并且不断向大型化、智能化方向发展。与此同时,目前在建筑施工过程中,由塔机事故引起的人员伤亡和设备损毁屡屡发生,且重大事故发生率居高不下,严重危害建筑工人生命和国家财产。造成这种高事故率的重要的原因是由于塔式起重机作业人员专业知识不足、操作技能不熟练、安全操作素质不高、误操作等等。因此,改变塔式起重机作业人员培训现状,提高作业人员专业素质和操作技能,保证此类设备的安全、稳定运行是当今一项刻不容缓的工作。 随着现代科学技术的迅速发展和安全生产及管理水平的提高,利用虚拟现实技术对塔式起重机作业人员进行仿真培训已经成为培养高素质塔机人才的迫切需要。本文即是在这种背景下,将虚拟现实技术应用于塔式起重机作业人员仿真培训,从根本上改变塔式起重机作业人员的培训现状,提高作业人员的操作技能与安全素质,完善现有的考核程序,从最大程度上杜绝安全事故发生的人为因素,为特种设备作业人员的科学化管理提供技术支持。本文主要研究的内容及创新点如下: (1)建立了仿真系统总体构架,阐述了几何建模、运动建模、物理建模等几种常见的三维建模方法,并利用开源的图形引擎OSG与其中的LOD技术实现塔式起重机模拟系统中的三维场景的管理和优化。 (2)为了使物体的运动学和力学特征在虚拟场景中能充分地表现出来,论文对塔机的结构、变幅和回转运动及动力学展开研究,并据此得出塔机运动与动力学模型,并将计算机的物理模型特点与塔机的运动和动力学特性相结合,建立基于ODE的塔式起重机的动力学模型。 (3)碰撞检测是虚拟现实的常用技术,论文叙述了碰撞检测的一般方法,根据系统需求实现了模拟器中的塔机吊具的真实物理碰撞效果,并对碰撞检测进行了优化。交互设计是虚拟现实系统的关键环节,论文研究了人机交互的基本组成和特点,并根据塔式起重机模拟系统的特点以及人机交互设计的原则设计出窗口界面与半实物操作相结合的交互方式。
[Abstract]:Tower crane (abbreviated as tower crane) as the main material transportation machinery has been widely used in the construction industry. Especially in recent years, with the rise of high-rise and super-high-rise buildings, tower cranes play a more and more important role in the construction process of modern buildings, and continue to develop in the direction of large-scale and intelligent. At the same time, in the process of construction, the casualties and equipment damage caused by tower crane accidents occur frequently, and the incidence of major accidents is high, which seriously endangers the lives of construction workers and national property. The important reasons for this high accident rate are the lack of professional knowledge of tower crane operators, unskilled operation skills, low quality of safe operation, misoperation and so on. Therefore, it is an urgent task to change the training situation of tower crane operators, improve the professional quality and operation skills of the operators, ensure the safety and stable operation of this kind of equipment. With the rapid development of modern science and technology and the improvement of production safety and management level, the simulation training of tower crane operators by using virtual reality technology has become an urgent need to train high-quality tower crane personnel. Under this background, this paper applies virtual reality technology to the simulation training of tower crane operators, fundamentally changes the training status of tower crane operators, improves the operation skills and safety quality of operators, perfects the existing assessment procedures, puts an end to the human factors of safety accidents to the greatest extent, and provides technical support for the scientific management of special equipment operators. The main contents and innovations of this paper are as follows: (1) the overall architecture of the simulation system is established, several common 3D modeling methods, such as geometric modeling, motion modeling and physical modeling, are described, and the management and optimization of 3D scene in tower crane simulation system is realized by using open source graphics engine OSG and LOD technology. (2) in order to fully express the kinematic and mechanical characteristics of the object in the virtual scene, the structure, amplitude and rotation motion and dynamics of the tower crane are studied in this paper, and the motion and dynamics model of the tower crane is obtained, and the dynamic model of the tower crane based on ODE is established by combining the physical model characteristics of the computer with the motion and dynamics characteristics of the tower crane. (3) collision detection is a common technology of virtual reality. This paper describes the general method of collision detection, realizes the real physical collision effect of tower crane in simulator according to the requirements of the system, and optimizes the collision detection. Interaction design is the key link of virtual reality system. This paper studies the basic composition and characteristics of human-computer interaction, and designs the interaction mode of window interface and hardware-in-the-loop operation according to the characteristics of tower crane simulation system and the principle of human-computer interaction design.


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