mechanical engineering discipline evaluation of NSFC proposa
Review on Fund Management of Mechanical Engineering Discipline of NSFC in 2014
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Wang Guobiao,Lai Yinan,Song Jianli,He Baiyan(Department of Engineering and Materials Sciences,National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) ,Beijing, 100085)
Abstr:The applications,evaluations and funding of science funding proj ects in Division of Me-chanical Engineering of National Natural Science Foundation of China(briefly called as NSFC)in 2014 were reviewed.Applications,evaluations and funding conditions were analyzed by taking proposals in the fields of mechanisms and robotics and micro/nano mechanical systems as examples.Research pro-gresses of finished and undertaking projects in 2013 were summarized,and problems and items should be noticed were also proposed.Management measurements on the formulation of the Thirteenth Five-year Plan of mechanical division,approving of the maj or program proj ect,academic exchange and coop-eration,cultivating of young talents and construction of the innovation teams,and encouraging innova-tions were reviewed.International academic influences and latest progresses achieved in the fields of mechanical engineering in 2014 were reviewed and prospects in 2015 were also proposed.
Keyword::mechanical engineering discipline evaluation of NSFC proposal discipline progress discipline management