本文关键词:A地质测试研究院人力资源规划研究 出处:《南昌大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 人力资源规划 地质测试研究院 人力资源供需预测
[Abstract]:In the era of knowledge economy, the key factors affecting the enterprises competition is whether it has many talents with innovation ability, configuration and human resources. Therefore, to further improve the human resources management and innovation, effective utilization of human resources has become a very important problem for all enterprises. Especially in our country the field of geological exploration is relatively weak, and vigorously support the development of geological exploration industry today, the demand for talent is more urgent. This paper takes A geological Testing Research Institute for basic research papers, hope to through the results of the test of A Geological Institute of human resources management to enhance the level, on the other hand is to strengthen some units of attention to human resources. In this paper the beginning, introduces the purpose and significance of the research, mainly made research The direction, also describes the research methods and ideas; summarizes the ideas about human resources management at home and abroad advanced and rich experience, and to integrate these results and summarized; based on the above, to test A Geological Research Institute as the research object, to carry out this study. Specify the A geological Testing Institute currently exists in the management and planning of human resources. These problems are mainly concentrated in the following aspects: the first aspect is the application of human resource structure is not scientific, the second is matched with the human resources facilities are not complete, the third is the human resources planning and so on; human resources planning for A geological Testing Research Institute conducted a preliminary design of the A test. Geological Institute of human resources supply and demand are analyzed, and the training from staff recruitment Training appointment to the rewards and punishment mechanism, each link in this series are proposed; in addition, A also geological testing institute human resources as a strategy for implementation of the guarantee. The guarantee measures from the enterprise culture system, several aspects such as human resources to carry out A geological testing research institute the planning started the argument.
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