本文关键词:煤层力学性质对钻孔卸压防冲效能的控制作用研究 出处:《中国矿业大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 冲击矿压 钻孔卸压 煤层力学性质 应力转移 数值模拟
【摘要】:大直径钻孔卸压目前作为防治冲击矿压的一项重要措施,在煤矿的卸压解危工作中发挥着重要作用。煤层力学性质是影响大直径钻孔卸压防冲效果的重要因素,但目前相关研究不多,因此,煤层力学性质与钻孔卸压防冲效果关系的研究成为亟需解决的课题。为此,文章通过理论分析、数值模拟和现场工业性试验相结合的方法,围绕煤层力学性质对大直径钻孔卸压防冲效能的控制作用做了一些研究,为大直径钻孔卸压防冲提供了思路。理论分析表明钻孔周围由近到远可以分为煤的残余强度区、塑性区和弹性变形区,并可计算三个强度区的范围。据此建立了钻孔卸压参数确定的依据,分析了钻孔卸压影响范围,确定了钻孔的卸压圈。分析了煤层力学性质对卸压范围的影响,得出:钻孔卸压范围随着煤层弹性模量的增大而减小,随着煤层泊松比的增大而增大。模拟表明:在相同卸压效果的前提下,钻孔孔距与孔径近似呈线性关系,随着钻孔孔径的增大,钻孔孔距也相应的增大。钻孔距径比(孔距与孔径的比值)与孔径呈多次函数的关系:N3.95792 107 D4 0.00026455D3 0.0651145D2 6.9775D283.05754-=′-+-+。随着钻孔孔深的增加,应力集中转移至钻孔端部。在相同的卸压条件下,软煤层中的卸压效果相比硬煤层卸压效果好,埋深较深的煤层卸压效果比埋深浅的煤层卸压效果好。在保证卸压效果、提高卸压效率的前提下,钻孔间距与煤层弹性模量成负指数函数关系,与煤层泊松比成对数函数关系:-0.3861.411 0.418ln 1.3964EmaxD=e+n+。在煤层中实施卸压钻孔时,钻孔深度需达到原应力峰值位置深度。研究成果在张双楼煤矿防冲实践中应用效果良好,达到了防治冲击矿压的目的。大直径钻孔煤粉量和卸压前后的CT反演结果表明,实施大直径卸压钻孔后,卸压区域应力处于较低的水平,未有冲击显现,证明了研究成果的合理性。
[Abstract]:At present, as an important measure to prevent and cure rock burst, large diameter borehole pressure relief plays an important role in the relief of coal mine pressure, and the mechanical properties of coal seam are the important factors that affect the anti-pressure and anti-scour effect of large diameter borehole. However, there are few related researches at present. Therefore, the research on the relationship between the mechanical properties of coal seam and the anti-erosion effect of borehole pressure relief has become an urgent issue to be solved. Combined with numerical simulation and field industrial test, the control effect of mechanical properties of coal seam on anti-pressure and anti-scour efficiency of large-diameter boreholes is studied. Theoretical analysis shows that the borehole around the borehole can be divided from near to far into the residual strength zone, plastic zone and elastic deformation zone. On the basis of this, the basis for determining the parameters of borehole pressure relief is established, the influence range of borehole pressure relief is analyzed, the pressure relief ring of borehole is determined, and the influence of the mechanical properties of coal seam on the pressure relief range is analyzed. It is concluded that the range of borehole pressure relief decreases with the increase of the elastic modulus of coal seam and increases with the increase of Poisson's ratio of coal seam. The simulation shows that the borehole spacing is approximately linear with the pore diameter under the same pressure relief effect. As the hole diameter increases. The borehole spacing is also increased accordingly. Ratio of borehole spacing to diameter (ratio of hole spacing to aperture). The relationship between the aperture and the aperture:: N3.95792 107 D4 0.00026455D3 0.0651145D2. 6.9775D283.05754--with the increase of borehole depth. The stress concentration is transferred to the end of the borehole. Under the same pressure relief conditions, the pressure relief effect in the soft coal seam is better than that in the hard coal seam. The pressure relief effect of the deep coal seam is better than that of the shallow coal seam. On the premise of ensuring the pressure relief effect and improving the pressure relief efficiency, the relationship between the borehole spacing and the elastic modulus of the coal seam is a negative exponential function. The logarithmic relation with Poisson's ratio of coal seam is: -0.3861.411 0.418ln 1.3964EmaxDX n. The drilling depth needs to reach the peak depth of the original stress. The research results are well used in the anti-scour practice of Zhangshuanglou Coal Mine. The results of CT inversion before and after the large diameter borehole pressure relief show that the stress in the pressure relief area is at a lower level and no impact appears after the implementation of the large diameter pressure relief drilling. The rationality of the research results is proved.
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