本文关键词:基于混沌蚁群神经网络的浮选过程经济技术指标预测 出处:《上海交通大学学报》2016年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 混合蚁群算法 主元分析-反向传播神经网络 软测量指数预测
[Abstract]:Taking flotation production process in ore dressing as the research object, a measurement model based on chaotic ant colony neural network algorithm is proposed to predict the economic and technical indexes of flotation process. The principal component analysis is used to reduce the dimension of the input data set. The hybrid algorithm based on chaos ant colony algorithm and least square algorithm is used to adjust the premise parameters and target values in order to replace the quadratic programming to solve the optimization problem and achieve the result of fast solution speed and high simulation accuracy. At the same time, using chaotic ant colony algorithm to train neural network can still achieve a better training purpose in the presence of random disturbance or measurement noise, and improve the convergence speed of network parameter identification. The production data of a practical flotation process are used as modeling and prediction data for simulation and analysis. The results are compared with those of the initial PCA / BP neural network model. The results show that the proposed model can achieve the global prediction of the economic and technical indexes of flotation process. Compared with the model before optimization, the prediction error is obviously lower, and the prediction accuracy is improved by 1.8%, which meets the calculation requirements of the optimized flotation reagents.
【作者单位】: 辽宁科技大学电子与信息工程学院;鞍山师范学院数学系;
【正文快照】: 浮选是依据矿浆中各种矿物的物理化学性质差异、借助汽泡的浮力将矿浆分离成品位合格的精矿和尾矿而实现矿物的有效选别的.精矿和尾矿的品位是表征浮选过程产品质量和生产效率的重要经济技术指标,因此,将精矿和尾矿的品位控制在工艺规定的范围内具有重要意义.浮选过程具有严格
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