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发布时间:2018-01-20 02:37

  本文关键词: 岩浆流体作用 斑岩型钼矿 中生代 兴蒙造山带东部 出处:《吉林大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The study area in the eastern section of the Central Asian orogenic belt, is an experienced closure of the paleo Asian Ocean, the Mongolia Okhotsk ocean, Pacific tectonic and Cenozoic deep fault several superimposed effect of magmatic metallogenic zone, is our country after Qinling Mountains and a molybdenum ore belt of molybdenum resource base. According to statistics at present large molybdenum deposit has been the exploration of 4 and above, more than 20 large molybdenum deposits, small and medium sized molybdenum deposit of more than 70, the amount of resources of more than 700 tons, ore types are mainly porphyry type; metallogenic epoch mainly occurred in the Mesozoic, there are characteristics of multi-stage mineralization stage, and the development of different intensity; in order to reveal the different the study area of fluid, restricting the magmatism and the earth dynamics process of mineralization, we carried out geological research in different stages of Mesozoic porphyry molybdenum deposit, fluid inclusion study, element and isotope geochemistry and geochronology; summary Metallogenic regularity for the deep ore prospecting and provide scientific basis. The diagenetic and metallogenic geological model, the main results obtained are as follows: the Mesozoic porphyry molybdenum mineralization is divided into 5 stages: the 2 stage of Indosinian Early Triassic in three (245-235Ma) and three late Triassic (209-200Ma), Yanshan during the early and middle Jurassic (189-167Ma), late Jurassic Early Cretaceous (151-125Ma) and early Cretaceous (116-110Ma); the early Jurassic and late Jurassic Early Cretaceous mineralization in the strongest; early Middle Jurassic molybdenum mineralization is mainly distributed in the Xingan mountains - Zhang Guangcai Ling metallogenic belt; Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous Mo mineral deposits are mainly distributed in the Greater Khingan Range area; through the analysis of the data of the eastern xing'an-mongolian orogenic belt has porphyry molybdenum deposit, porphyry molybdenum ore research area type is disseminated, vein type, veinlet disseminated type and breccia type; ore fabric including self Shape - subhedral anhedral structure, leaf shaped scaly - Chrysanthemum structure and metasomatic structure; structure including veinlet stockwork structure, veinlet disseminated veinlet - smallmassive; alteration zonation obviously, mineralization and potassium, silicification and Juan Yingyan relationship close; show the characteristics of fluid inclusions: ore-forming fluid of porphyry molybdenum deposit in study area are critical in the early stage of high temperature and high salinity fluid; ore-forming stage has obvious in high temperature and high salt and low salt fluid symbiosis; with low salinity fluid inclusions in the late stage; the fluid evolution of high temperature gas phase. In the high temperature fluid immiscibility or boiling process. Common development of gas-liquid two-phase and halite bearing three-phase inclusions and metallogenic process in general CO2 participate in the main mineralization stage, high temperature (250 DEG C, generally higher than 300 DEG C); different age of gas The phase composition has the obvious difference, the Triassic molybdenum deposits generally developed to CO2 rich inclusions, and early Middle Jurassic inclusions in the phase composition generally contains CH4 components; in the late Jurassic Early Cretaceous early is rich CO2 and poor in CO2 system, and the early Cretaceous phase composition in inclusions H2O; source of ore-forming material is complex, crust and mantle were involved; Three Early Triassic molybdenum metallogenic porphyry two granite porphyry granite porphyry, belongs to high potassium calc alkaline series, metaluminous peraluminous series, magma derived from the continental basement of the ancient magma originated from partial melting or new partial melting of lower crust, and by the old Lu Kehun staining; three late Triassic metallogenic porphyry copper molybdenum deposit is mainly granodiorite porphyry, belongs to high potassium calc alkaline series, peraluminous rocks, magma formed in the partial melting of subducted oceanic crust; early The Middle Jurassic porphyry molybdenum deposit mineralization is mainly porphyritic granite two - two granite porphyry and small granodiorite porphyry, belonging to shoshonite series high potassium calc alkaline series, metaluminous peraluminous rocks originated from partial melting of lower crust thickening; Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous early relationship between molybdenum deposit closely related to rock two long granite porphyry and granite porphyry, belongs to high potassium calc alkaline series shoshonite series, metaluminous peraluminous, originated in the Neoproterozoic depleted mantle hyperplasia young lower crust or old lower crust partial melting; early Late Cretaceous molybdenum deposit and mineralization relationship close the rock is granodiorite porphyry and small granite porphyry belong to the calc alkaline series, sodic, peraluminous, originated from the lower crust underplating young. Different stages of molybdenum deposits formed in different tectonic environments, early Triassic in three Molybdenum is mainly formed in the North China plate and the Siberia plate collision under the background of extensional environment; the continental margin arc environment of Late Triassic three copper molybdenum deposit formed in the subduction of the early Middle Jurassic; formation of molybdenum deposits and the subduction of the Pacific plate is closely related to the minority (Wunugetushan) affected by the closure of the Mongolia Okhotsk ocean after the collision system; Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous molybdenum deposit experienced paleoasian domain to the Western circum Pacific tectonic domain, regional intracontinental extension and major lithospheric thinning effect; and the early Cretaceous mineralization should be formed after the Yuyizenai Qi subduction tectonic exhumation stage in continental margin the arc; porphyry molybdenum (copper) deposits are mainly distributed in partial extrusion of the continental margin arc and continental collision orogenic belt, the basement for the ancient continental crust or young continental crust and oceanic crust, and the porphyry molybdenum multi The emergence of environmental in the partial extensional plate subduction orogenic arc, continental crust or basement for residual oceanic crust new; two or more groups of fracture intersection is a mineralization favorable position, while the cryptoexplosive breccia development area as a good guide ore mine site. In three the Early Triassic of North China Taiwan and Siberia plate collision in the collision process of the crustal thickening, the occurrence of partial melting of the thickened lower crust, forming the Greater Khingan Range - South section of Xilamulun River in the Early Triassic three molybdenum mineralization; and the subduction of the Pacific plate makes the early Middle Jurassic Xing Meng orogenic lithosphere (continental) thickening, thickening the acceleration of the lithosphere crust mantle interaction speed, the Jilin Heilongjiang Eastern molybdenum mineralization in large scale, the main causes of crust and mantle source characteristics of Jurassic magma has this is early in; while in the north section of the West Xingan The affected side of the Mongolia Okhotsk ocean closed after the collision of the formation of the system has formed the Wunugetushan copper molybdenum ore; with the subduction of lithospheric thickening, into the late Jurassic Early Cretaceous, the tectonic environment changed from compression to extension environment, the beginning of lithosphere delamination and thinning, delamination process of soft coil material upwelling, accelerated partial melting velocity of lower crust, forming a large-scale late Jurassic Early Cretaceous in Greater Khingan Range molybdenum mineralization early; Early Cretaceous in the paleo Pacific plate (Izanagi) after the subduction tectonic exhumation stage, secondary lithospheric mantle by partial melting of adakitic rocks, by crystallization differentiation to form copper (gold) mineralization, intrusion process and lower crust remelting magma mixed to form molybdenum mineralization.



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