本文关键词: 岩浆岩构造组合 构造背景 成矿作用 二连-东乌旗 中亚造山带 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Erlian-Donwuqi area is located in the north of Erlian-Hegen Mountain tectonic melange belt, and is located at the superimposed intersection of the two tectonic domains of Paleo-Asia and the riparian Pacific. The magmatic rocks are widely distributed and rich in mineral resources. The magmatic tectonic assemblage is used as the "scale" to explore the tectonic evolution and the "probe" to reveal the deep process to remodel the tectonic evolution process in this area. It is of great theoretical significance to determine the main metallogenic tectonic environment. The regional geological map has been compiled by integrating the 1: 50 000 regional geological survey results of the nearly full coverage in the study area and the temporal and spatial distribution of magmatic rocks has been combed and discovered. Magmatic activity is concentrated in four periods: early Paleozoic 470g 430Ma, late Paleozoic 370g 260Ma. The early Mesozoic (250 ~ 210 Ma) and the late Mesozoic (180-110 Ma), in which the most intense magmatic activity occurred at 330-290 Ma. According to the four periods mentioned above, the spatial distribution and composition of magmatic rocks were combed and the geochemical characteristics of typical magmatic rocks were studied according to the four periods of 170-120 Ma and taking the intrusive generation as the basic unit. And try to use the integrated 1: 50 000 regional survey massive data to carry on the whole area geochemical contrast. The magmatic rocks in the study area are divided into three major structural assemblages: Wei 1 early Paleozoic magmatic assemblage, 470U 430 Ma, including the Middle Ordovician island arc magma assemblage. Late Ordovician island arc post-orogenic transition environment magma assemblage early Silurian post-orogenic magma assemblage; (2) the late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic magmatic rock assemblages: the early and middle Devonian island arc (back-arc) volcanic rocks, and the late Devonian island arc local extension to form a rock assemblage. The early Carboniferous continental margin arc (internal arc) rock assemblage, the late Carboniferous and early Permian island arc extensional oceanic and continental intercalation volcanic rock assemblages, the late Carboniferous and early Permian post-Permian collision-post-orogenic magma assemblages. Early Permian-Middle-Late Triassic post-orogenic rock assemblage and late Triassic intraplate magmatic assemblage; (3) late Mesozoic magmatic tectonic assemblage: late Jurassic post-collision post-orogenic magmatic assemblage, early Cretaceous post-orogenic magmatic assemblage, combined with regional data. The early Paleozoic magmatic evolution is related to the Southern Mongolian Ocean, the late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic magmatic tectonic assemblages are closely related to the Paleo-Asian Ocean, and the late Mesozoic magmatic tectonic assemblages are related to the Paleo-Pacific Ocean. The transition period between the latter two may be the late Triassic. The temporal and spatial relationship between known deposits and magmatic rocks is summarized. It is found that the mineralization occurred in three important magmatic evolution periods: late Carboniferous and early Permian (320 ~ 270 Mai), post-collision and post-orogenic transition magmatic evolution. It is the fundamental factor that dominates molybdenum copper and other polymetallic mineralization in this period. During the early Mesozoic to the late Triassic, the post-orogenic magmatism after the closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean resulted in iron-zinc, lead-zinc-silver and other polymetallic mineralization. The late Mesozoic early Cretaceous (130Ma 卤), the post-orogenic stage of paleo-Pacific evolution, accompanied by large-scale mineralization with magmatic evolution, is the most important metallogenic period in the study area.
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