本文关键词: 稀疏时频分解 谱分解 过完备时频字典 正交匹配追踪 高分辨率 出处:《吉林大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:As China's oil and gas exploration and development of deep exploration target, gradually constructed by conventional oil gas reservoir to unconventional, hidden, stratigraphic and lithologic reservoirs and other complex transition. This is a challenge, and we develop new methods and technologies to further improve the understanding of the underground oil reservoir and adaptation new exploration opportunities. In this context, as an important means of seismic exploration of oil and gas exploration, the acquisition, processing and interpretation techniques are needed to provide more accurate, more and more high resolution direction. With the information of underground underground media exploration area is more complex, non stability of seismic signal is more obvious. The traditional spectral decomposition technique is to describe and analyze the seismic data of unconventional tools of stationarity, but has not been able to meet the people on the new exploration environment resolution The requirements of precision and. Spectral decomposition technique can actually be viewed as a group of time-frequency localization based on seismic signal decomposition based on the traditional, but due to the selection of the base and the decomposition mode selection, the decomposition results are not sparse, this is also the limit of traditional spectrum is an important factor in solution resolution. This paper argues that if can signal time-frequency attribute selection and seismic signal inherent more consistent, and select more sparse decomposition, the seismic signal can be more sparse decomposition into several sub components of the signal, then calculate the decomposition results of time-frequency distribution can be improved to a certain extent, the resolution of time-frequency distribution based on this paper. In addition, the sparse time-frequency decomposition not only improve the resolution of spectrum, but pay more attention to how to extract more information from the decomposition of sub components in the signal, get rich The underground media information, increase the ability to explain, provide technical support for the production and development. This paper firstly reviews the classical Fourier transform and spectral decomposition technology, and thus leads to the seismic signal sparse time-frequency decomposition method. A set of base signal (non orthogonal basis) the number of far more than the dimension of signal collection, and has a base signal the local time-frequency property called overcomplete time-frequency dictionary. The paper enumerates several basic overcomplete time-frequency dictionary, and mainly discusses the three overcomplete time-frequency dictionary, and the corresponding sparse frequency decomposition method. Because these three dictionaries are more complex, and too redundant, this paper select the sparse frequency decomposition based on greedy algorithm methods. These three kinds of overcomplete time-frequency dictionaries were Morlet wavelet dictionary tradition, the newly proposed Ricker wavelet attenuation dictionary, and by the field of mathematics into the word EMD Three. The code over complete time-frequency dictionary, because the atoms of different nature, their description of seismic signal angle is also different. For each kind of overcomplete time-frequency dictionary which, according to the application from understanding to improve the order, this paper will start from the dictionary of atoms in the nature of the signal and the corresponding overcomplete when the structure frequency dictionary began, and then discuss the specific for overcomplete sparse Frequency Dictionary of time-frequency decomposition method (this paper mainly refers to the sparse greedy algorithm based on time-frequency decomposition, the same below), and discuss its application in seismic data processing and interpretation. This paper discusses in the first over complete time-frequency dictionary as the traditional Morlet wavelet dictionary. Absorption attenuation and dispersion phenomena for characterization of seismic wavelet Morlet wavelet atom can spread in the underground media occurs, is often used for matching tracking routine Seismic data sparse time-frequency decomposition algorithm. Based on the single Morlet seismic wavelet dictionary matching pursuit algorithm and multi seismic matching pursuit algorithm introduced the orthogonal least squares problem description matching pursuit based on the idea of based on existing, derived from the two frequency decomposition method of sparse greedy algorithm based on the new. As a single seismic channel orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm and multi seismic orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm, and points out that the former is the one exception. Combined with the actual data and the synthetic seismic records, verification of the two new algorithms can be more sparse for seismic data time-frequency decomposition. Finally verify the sparse wavelet dictionary based on Morlet compared with the traditional frequency decomposition spectral decomposition method can to some extent improve the resolution by spectrum and frequency. This paper discusses the application of section second overcomplete time-frequency dictionary for failure By Ricker wavelet dictionary. The dictionary of atoms is a new time-frequency atom in this paper, based on the classical Ricker wavelet to describe seismic wave absorption and attenuation quality factor Q, so that the time-frequency atom can characterize the propagation process of time-varying seismic wavelet Ricker wavelet dictionary based on attenuation. Using single seismic channel, orthogonal matching pursuit and orthogonal matching decomposition of seismic trace can also be sparse decomposition of seismic data. The time-frequency focus than Morlet wavelet of the atom, it is not recommended to use the description of the time-frequency distribution of seismic signal, but the use of Q parameters corresponding to different components of the signal decomposition dictionary based on the, based on seismic wave attenuation in underground medium interpolation description. Compared with the spectral ratio method to calculate the Q value of the traditional method, so the estimation of Q no longer need fake Set the underground medium for uniform absorption model, and has certain adaptability. In addition, the application of sparse dictionary based on attenuation of Ricker wavelet time-frequency decomposition method to decompose the seismic signal, by backstepping before decaying Ricker wavelet to seismic wave absorption and attenuation in compensation, simple and effective. This paper discusses the third kinds of complete time-frequency dictionary EMD dictionary. EMD in recent years is introduced and applied to non-stationary seismic signal description, but its decomposition is still based on experience, lack of proof of strong mathematics. In fact this method can be regarded as a kind of extremely redundant overcomplete sparse frequency decomposition based on time-frequency dictionary. This paper introduces the EMD dictionary from the field of mathematics, the dictionary has been pointed out the lack of empirical mode decomposition algorithm for the mathematical basis of the corresponding overcomplete time-frequency dictionary from the theory base. In the dictionary described in this paper from the biological signal field by introducing a new sparse frequency decomposition method, local mean decomposition, and tested by synthetic seismogram and actual seismic signals from the decomposition and the decomposition results were compared with the empirical mode decomposition and discuss the similarities and differences of the two a sparse EMD dictionary based on time-frequency decomposition method in the calculation of time-frequency distribution and extraction of components and other aspects in the application of seismic profile. Three kinds of overcomplete time-frequency dictionary based on the above, according to the research objectives and requirements of different frequency decomposition methods, seismic data sparse dictionary and matching different, which constitute the research the framework of this doctoral thesis in seismic data sparse greedy algorithm based on time-frequency decomposition method.
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