本文关键词: 岩爆倾向性 嗣后充填 充填体矿柱 正交试验 数值模拟 出处:《江西理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:After many years of mining, a large number of goaf were left behind, which caused ground pressure activities such as ground collapse, induced rockburst and other ground pressure disasters, and brought serious safety threat to the mine. To determine accurately the rockburst tendency of surrounding rock and to control the goaf safely and economically, so as to ensure the sustainable mining of the mine by synchronizing the rock burst with the prevention and treatment of the goaf. This paper takes a lead and zinc mine as an engineering example, using field investigation, field monitoring and theoretical analysis. Orthogonal test and numerical simulation are used to determine the tendency of rock burst and optimize the height of cemented backfill pillar. The main research contents and results include the investigation of rock burst on site, and the collection of six kinds of rock samples of main surrounding rock. The mechanical parameters of various types of rock and rock mass are obtained by means of the generalized Hoek-Brown criterion, which provides accurate basic data for subsequent calculation and analysis. The elastic energy index (WET), impact energy index (WCF), effective impact energy index (WF), brittle coefficient K (K) and maximum stored elastic strain energy index (es) of six kinds of rock are obtained. In this paper, a comprehensive evaluation index of rock burst tendency is put forward, which can be used to determine the rock burst tendency accurately. The rock burst control is combined with the control of the void area. It is put forward that the existing mining method should be changed into sublevel goaf subsequent filling method. After mining, 1: 4 tailing cemented backfill pillar is filled first, and the upper part is filled with 1:10 tailings cemented filling body. The main factors influencing the height of cemented backfill pillar are span l, upper load Q and bulk density of filling body. Angle of internal friction. By numerical simulation orthogonal test, it is concluded that the height of cemented filling body is nonlinear increasing function with span, internal friction angle, nonlinear decreasing function with cohesion force, linear increasing function relationship with upper load. There is no effect of bulk density on the height of cemented filling pillar. (5) through single factor change and multiple factor combination regression analysis, a mathematical prediction model of cemented filling pillar height is established under the influence of multiple factors combination. The model has certain universality. For other similar projects, it has reference value and reference value. (6) combined with the actual situation in the field, the section of 43X45 and 49 exploration lines of 3-6 # ore body is selected to establish the calculation model and carry on the numerical simulation. The method of filling according to the predicted height is obtained. It can ensure the safety of the mine during the mining process and after the final filling. At the same time, the field stress monitoring shows that the filling plays an effective role in the prevention of rock burst and the prevention of the empty area. It is proved that the proposed prevention method and mathematical prediction model are accurate and reasonable.
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