本文关键词: 井下安全氛围 不安全心理 不安全行为 结构方程模型 因子分析 出处:《安徽理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In China's industrial production, coal, as the main power resource, plays an extremely important and crucial role. Although the coal mine safety situation has gradually improved in recent years, in the process of production, Because of the limitation and influence of production conditions and geological conditions, coal mine accidents still occur frequently. After analysis, most accidents are closely related to unsafe behavior, and there are many factors that affect the unsafe behavior of employees. In this paper, the underground safety atmosphere is chosen as the focus of the research, and the unsafe psychology is introduced as the intermediate variable to construct the underground safety atmosphere-unsafe behavior relationship model. The deep influence relationship between underground safety atmosphere and unsafe behavior is discussed. It is difficult to analyze the relationship between safety behavior and safety behavior directly. In this paper, the underground safety atmosphere is divided into "safety consciousness", "management concern", "safety system norm" and "operation regulation" by factor analysis. Inspection and communication, safety management and underground working environment, By analyzing the relationship between these six factors and unsafe behavior of operators, the influence relationship between underground safety atmosphere and unsafe behavior is indirectly judged. The factors of six levels are taken as exogenous variables and unsafe psychology as intermediate variable. Taking unsafe behavior as endogenous variable, 13 hypothetical relationships are put forward, and the model of safety atmospheres and unsafe behavior is constructed. The model is constructed, and the data is imported into the model by AMOS21.0 and SPSS119.0 to identify, fit and modify the model. After repeated verification, the final model is determined, the model is explained and the intervention measures are put forward. After studying, the following conclusions can be drawn: on the one hand, the underground safety atmosphere can be reflected by six factors. And can have more direct effect on unsafe behavior of operators, that is to say, the higher the level of underground safety atmosphere, the lower the probability of unsafe behavior of operators. And the data show that if the level of underground safety atmosphere is raised by one unit, the level of unsafe behavior of underground operators will be reduced by 2.774 units. Among them, the underground working environment has the most close relationship with it and has the greatest influence on it. The remaining five factors were "operational experience exchange", "management concern", "safety awareness", "safety management" and "safety system norms" according to the degree of influence on unsafe behavior. The three factors of "management concern", "exchange of operational experience" and "underground working environment", which are covered by the underground safety atmosphere, can also have an indirect effect on the behavior of the personnel through influencing their psychology. Among these three factors, there is a significant negative correlation between the three factors and unsafe psychology, and a significant positive correlation between unsafe psychology and unsafe behavior. Based on the above results, the managers of coal mining enterprises can be seen from the perspective of underground safety atmosphere. According to the influence of various dimensions of underground safety atmosphere on unsafe behavior and unsafe psychology, the safety prevention measures are formulated to provide a certain reference for controlling and reducing the unsafe behavior of employees.
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