本文关键词: 铀矿通风井 核素氡 迁移扩散 数值模拟 出处:《南华大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Uranium mine ventilation releases a large amount of uranium dust, radon gas and tail gas from its offspring to the surrounding environment. The radioactive harmful substances emitted from uranium mine migrate and dilute with the atmosphere to the downstream area, which has the characteristics of wide range of influence, long half-life and cumulative effect. The radionuclide radon migration and diffusion with tail gas in the atmosphere is mainly affected by mine location, atmospheric wind field, pollution source characteristics, mine underlying surface conditions and seasonal climate, etc. The study of its transport mechanism and diffusion law is the basis of reasonably predicting and evaluating the distance of radiation safety protection. It is also a key topic in the field of prevention and control of air pollution and nuclear radiation protection. This paper is supported by the National Natural Science Fund (project No.: 11105068), supported by the National Natural Science Fund Project (Multi-component radionuclide gas-solid coupling atmospheric diffusion simulation in uranium mine ventilation tail gas). The radionuclide radon transport and diffusion under different underlying surface roughness, emission height of pollution source and seasonal climatic conditions (atmospheric stability, wind direction, etc.) were studied by numerical simulation method. The main research contents in this paper include: (1) analyzing the relevant research contents and methods at home and abroad, summarizing the factors that affect the radionuclide radon migration in the atmosphere from the tail gas of uranium mines, and determining the roughness of the following surface. The emission height of pollution source and seasonal climatic conditions (atmospheric stability, wind direction, etc.) are the main research factors. Taking the actual uranium ore terrain as the object, a three-dimensional physical model of atmospheric wind field is established. The mathematical model of radionuclide radon migration and diffusion is solved by using numerical simulation method, and the atmospheric wind field and the radionuclide radon migration and diffusion law are obtained. In order to provide useful data to evaluate the radiation safety distance in uranium mine area in order to promote the sustainable development of nuclear industry in China, the effects of roughness, emission source height and atmospheric stability on radionuclide migration and diffusion in uranium mine tail gas are studied. The dominant position of various factors on the radionuclide radon migration and diffusion is analyzed, and the control effect of the emission source height factor on the different distance from the mine is studied. According to the seasonal variation of surface roughness and atmospheric stability, the radionuclide radon diffusion in winter, summer and transitional seasons are studied respectively. The evaluation and analysis of the effective dose to the public in the area around the uranium mine reveal the seasonal characteristics of radon atmospheric migration in the uranium mine area.
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