本文关键词: 高压旋喷注浆 饱和砂层 斜井 旋喷围护结构 稳定性 出处:《煤炭科学研究总院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Coal resources have been an important material foundation for the national economy and social development in China in the past few decades and in the foreseeable short term. The construction technology of inclined well through saturated sand formation has always been a technical problem at home and abroad. Because the grouting effect is controllable, reliable and has permanent protection to the wellbore, the rotary jet grouting process has a permanent protective effect on the wellbore. It is of great theoretical significance and great practical significance to study the formation of cover inclined well with rotary jet grouting through saturated sand bed. In this paper, through field test, laboratory test, The theoretical analysis and numerical simulation method are used to study the stability of rotary jet retaining structure of inclined well through saturated sand bed, and a set of design methods and criteria for judging the stability of rotary jet enclosure structure are preliminarily formed. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) passing laboratory tests. The physical and mechanical properties of saturated sand and spouted consolidation body in Northern Shaanxi are obtained: the moisture content of sand is similar, the bulk density 纬 s, the specific gravity of soil grain Gs and the parameters of Duncan Chang model; The bulk weight 纬 s, uniaxial compressive strength 蟽 c, cohesive force c, angle of internal friction 蠁, modulus of elasticity Eavand Poisson's ratio 渭 av.t2) are studied by theoretical analysis. The inclined wells are divided into shallow buried section and deep buried section according to critical burying depth. The rock column method is used to calculate the surrounding rock pressure in the shallow buried section. After analyzing and selecting the deep buried section, referring to the action mechanism, characteristics and applicable range of various theories, it is finally determined to calculate the surrounding rock pressure by using "Railway Tunnel Design Code". The mechanical model of rotary jet enclosure is established, and the calculation formulas of roof, bottom plate and two sides thickness of shallow and deep burying section are given. The stress form of the rotary jet retaining structure is calculated according to the model of simply supported beam bearing the maximum shear force, and the force of the two bars is considered according to the most disadvantageous condition. (4) according to the experimental results, The design value and variation law of the thickness of shallow and deep buried section are calculated. The thickness of shallow section increases linearly with the depth of burial, and the thickness of deep section does not change with the depth of buried.) by numerical simulation, three sections of 16.6 mm-50m and 80m are selected for verification. It is proved that the calculation method of the thickness of rotary jet enclosure structure derived in this paper is correct. The research shows that it is feasible to use high pressure rotary jet grouting technology to form cover inclined well with enclosure structure through saturated sand layer. The theoretical analysis means and evaluation criteria are applicable and correct, and the rotary jet retaining structure is stable. In this paper, the mechanical model and calculation formula of the rotary jet enclosure can be used as the design method and the criterion of stability of the rotary jet retaining structure in the inclined well of saturated sand layer.
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