本文选题:开采沉陷 切入点:概率积分法 出处:《煤炭科学研究总院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:煤炭开采造成的地表沉陷问题及其对生态环境的影响正逐渐受到人们的关注,为了能够最大限度的减少由开采沉陷所造成的损失,本文开发了开采沉陷预计系统。利用此系统可以对开采将造成的地表移动变形作出准确的预计。本文从以下几个方面进行研究:在沉陷预计算法方面,总结国内外学者对开采沉陷预计方法的相关研究,在概率积分法理论基础上,建立可以对任意形状、任意煤层倾角的工作面进行沉陷预计的模型;以坐标旋转的方式将各个工作面产生的地表移动变形值进行矢量叠加,建立多工作面影响下的沉陷预计模型;对Knothe函数进行改进,建立矩形工作面的动态沉陷预计模型。并运用单一变量法对每个沉陷预计模型所需的参数进行分析,通过绘制走向、倾向主断面的地表移动变形剖面图观察参数改变对预计结果产生的影响,并与客观规律进行对比分析,确保预计算法的准确性。在沉陷预计系统的设计方面,基于Microsoft.NET框架设计系统界面并实现数据预处理功能,在Visual Studio2010环境中运用C#语言设计实现上述三种模型的具体流程,并能够以表格的方式对地表移动变形数据进行输出。通过对ArcGIS进行二次开发的方式完善数据的显示功能,可将矿图与地表移动变形数据相结合并以等值线的方式显示下沉盆地的移动变形情况,给地表点赋予地理属性信息,进一步提高了地理信息数据的处理效率。使用高程格网点在ArcScene软件中构建数字高程模型,实现沉陷数据的三维可视化,并对下沉影响范围的面积、体积进行计算。最终将本系统应用于工程实例,并将预计结果与成熟的预计系统相对比,验证本系统的准确性。确保能够对开采沉陷造成的影响进行分析并为开采沉陷的防治与保护提供可靠、直观的数据支持。
[Abstract]:The problem of surface subsidence caused by coal mining and its impact on ecological environment are gradually attracting people's attention. In order to minimize the losses caused by mining subsidence, In this paper, a mining subsidence prediction system is developed, which can be used to accurately predict the ground movement and deformation caused by mining. In this paper, the following aspects are studied: in the aspect of subsidence prediction algorithm, Based on the theory of probabilistic integral method, a model for predicting the subsidence of coal face with arbitrary shape and inclination angle is established. The deformation value of surface movement produced by each working face is superimposed by vector in the way of coordinate rotation, and the prediction model of subsidence under the influence of multiple working faces is established, and the Knothe function is improved. The dynamic subsidence prediction model of rectangular face is established, and the single variable method is used to analyze the parameters required for each subsidence prediction model. The effect of observation parameters on the predicted results of the deformation profile of surface movement of inclined main section is analyzed and compared with the objective law to ensure the accuracy of the prediction algorithm. In the design of subsidence prediction system, Based on the Microsoft.NET framework, the system interface is designed and the data preprocessing function is realized. The concrete flow chart of the above three models is designed and implemented by using C # language in the Visual Studio2010 environment. And can output the data of surface movement and deformation in the form of table. The display function of the data can be improved by the way of secondary development of ArcGIS. The mineral map can be combined with the data of surface movement and deformation, and the movement and deformation of subsidence basin can be displayed by isoline, and the geographic attribute information can be given to the surface points. The digital elevation model is constructed in ArcScene software to realize the 3D visualization of subsidence data, and the area of subsidence is affected by the elevation grid dot, which is used to improve the processing efficiency of geographic information data. The volume is calculated. Finally, the system is applied to the engineering example, and the predicted results are compared with the mature prediction system. Verify the accuracy of the system, ensure that the impact of mining subsidence can be analyzed and provide reliable and intuitive data support for the prevention and protection of mining subsidence.
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