本文选题:嗣后充填 切入点:注浆锚固 出处:《青岛理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In this paper, the grouting and strengthening problem of waste rock filling in the waste rock of Wangwangzhuang Iron Mine in Shandong Jinding Mining Industry is studied. The original planned capacity of Wang Wang Zhuangtie is 500000 tons per year. The actual scale of production now amounts to 2 million tons per year. The main mining method in the mine is the subsequent filling method. The mine was unable to fill its remaining mine at levels -370 to -410. In order to solve the problem of empty mines, two mine buildings in the mine goaf from 2013 to 2014 were filled with waste rock. The original plan was to store it temporarily. It was learned later that the waste rock could be strengthened into a supporting pillar with a certain strength by the method of grouting and anchoring the waste stone, that is, the feasibility study scheme was put forward. In order to solve the existing problems of Jinding mining industry, a large number of experimental studies were done in this paper. Including: 1, the ratio test of grouting material and the experiment of flow segregation. That is to say, through the proportion test of grouting material, the optimum mixture ratio of grouting material is obtained. The segregation experiment is used to explain whether the grouting material is segregated or not, and the grouting simulation experiment is carried out. Through the field grouting simulation test, the injectability of the grouting fluid, including the grouting pressure, the grouting quantity, the grouting pressure and the grouting quantity are understood. The strength testing test of grouting plus solid is made with the parameters of diffusion radius and so on. Through the strength test of grouting and solid, it is known whether the strength of grouting plus solid meets the strength requirement of one-step room pillar. The grouting and insertion design and stability check are carried out. In this paper, the grouting and solid are used for anchoring, and the numerical simulation of two kinds of waste rock grouting bodies is carried out by FLAC3D numerical analysis software, which lays a theoretical foundation for the implementation of the scheme.
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