本文选题:情绪 切入点:反应行为 出处:《西安科技大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As a national pillar industry, coal plays an indispensable role in social and economic development. However, the frequent occurrence of coal mine accidents still puzzles the development of coal industry in China. The investigation and statistical study of coal mine accidents show that the proportion of human accidents in coal mine accidents in China from 1980 to 2010 is as high as 96%. Unsafe behavior of mine operators is an important cause of coal mine accidents in China. It is necessary to effectively reduce coal mine safety accidents and improve the level of coal mine safety production. It is necessary to minimize or eliminate unsafe behavior of coal miners. Human psychological factors have always been regarded as an important cause of unsafe behavior among coal miners. Emotion has an important effect on human psychological activities. It is of great significance to study the influence of emotion on unsafe behavior of miners. This study summarizes the existing research results on the relationship between emotion and behavior at home and abroad. Three hypotheses about the relationship between emotion and unsafe behavior were put forward. After that, E-prime software and Tobii eye movement instrument were used to measure the behavior reaction and attention of miners when they found unsafe behavior in various emotions. The behavioral response and eye movement tracking techniques were introduced into the assessment of unsafe behavior ability to measure the behavior parameters of miners under negative, neutral and positive emotions. The duration of fixation point and the percentage of fixation were used as indicators to evaluate the behavior of miners under emotion. The final results showed that the reaction time and reaction speed of miners were affected by the miner's emotion. In negative emotion, the miner's reaction time and reaction speed were affected by the miner's emotion. Miners react slowly to unsafe behaviors; miners react quickly to unsafe behaviors in positive emotions. Miners first notice that unsafe behaviors take the longest time in negative mood. Positive emotions are the first time to notice that unsafe behavior takes the shortest time. In order to reduce the unsafe behavior caused by emotion, miners should maintain a pleasant, cheerful mood, avoid and control negative emotions. Finally, according to the results of the experiment, The measures to prevent and control unsafe behavior are put forward from two aspects of organization management and miners themselves, which provide new ideas and methods for controlling unsafe behavior of miners.
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