本文选题:顺层岩质边坡 切入点:相似材料配比 出处:《昆明理工大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In the process of rapid economic development in China, mineral resources, as non-renewable resources, are becoming more and more difficult to meet the demand. The mining scale of open-pit mining mineral resources is becoming larger and larger, and the mining intensity is increasing.The stability of high-steep slope will become the most important problem in large-scale open-pit mines.Many engineering examples show that the slope with layered rock mass is the most vulnerable to instability and damage.In order to ensure the safety and reliability of stratified high and steep slope, a thorough and comprehensive study is carried out on the stratified rock slope, its deformation law and failure mode are grasped, and various factors that affect its stability are understood in order to ensure the safety and reliability of the stratified high and steep slope.In this paper, taking Xiaohebian Iron Mine of Kunming Iron and Steel Group Group as the research background, similar simulation test method and catastrophe theory are used to study the rock slope of high and steep bedding.The main research contents are as follows: (1) combined with the development history and present situation of slope stability analysis at home and abroad, the present situation and achievements of the research on the stability of layered rock slope are analyzed, and the internal and external factors affecting its stability are summarized and analyzed.In this paper, the failure mechanism and failure mode of layered slope are deeply studied, and the characteristics of the research object are comprehensively grasped, and the reasonable treatment countermeasures are put forward. Firstly, based on the similarity principle, the similarity criterion is deduced, combined with the engineering characteristics of the research object and the test conditions.The reasonable similarity constant is selected and the parameters of the test are determined. Secondly, the selection and proportion of the similar material are carried out, on the basis of satisfying the similarity of the four main physical and mechanical parameters, namely, the degree of gravity, the compressive strength, the modulus of elasticity, the Poisson's ratio, and the prototype.Finally, the method of tiered filling tamping is used to fill the model, arrange observation points, conduct experiments, observe the deformation law of the model, and use hydraulic servo loading system to replace the upper rock mass with the load applied by the top of the slope.Through the similarity conversion, the corresponding load value of the replacement rock mass is obtained, the load is applied to the slope completed by excavation, the deformation law of the slope height is simulated and studied, and the purpose of simulating the high slope in the small model is realized.In this paper, the failure mode of slippage and bending instability of high steep bedding rock slope is obtained. The stress mechanism of sliding bending failure of high steep bedding rock slope is analyzed. The cusp catastrophe theory is used to analyze the nonlinear characteristics of bedding slope deformation.The cusp catastrophe model of bedding slope system is established, and the catastrophic process of slope system state catastrophe caused by axial thrust and gravity stress gradual change of rock stratum is reappeared.
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